
Rasulullah Hijra: When He was in the Cave with Abu Bakr (Part 5)

DDHK.ORG - Arriving at the mouth of the cave, Abu Bakr said, "By Allah, do not enter it until I enter first. If something goes wrong inside, let me be the one who gets hit, as long as it doesn't hit you."

Then Abu Bakr entered the cave by removing the dirt that was blocking it. Next to him he got a hole. He tore his coat in half and tied it to the hole. The other tear he wrapped around his leg.

After that Abu Bakr said to him, "Come in!" So he entered the cave. After taking his place in the cave, he lay down on Abu Bakr's lap and fell asleep.

Suddenly Abu Bakr was stung by an animal from his hole. But he didn't dare to move, tears trickled down his face.

"What happened, O Abu Bakr?" he asked.

Abu Bakr replied, "By my father and mother to be your guarantee, I was bitten by an animal."

Messenger of Allah spit on the bitten part so that the pain goes away.

They hid in the cave for 3 nights, namely Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night. If at night Abdullah bin Abu Bakr was always with the two.

Aisyah said, “He is an intelligent and clever young man. He left them both at the end of the night, and in the morning he infiltrated the Quraysh in Mecca like one who had never been anywhere. Every problem that the Prophet and Abu Bakr wanted to know, he always listened to it, then at night he came to them both secretly and conveyed the news. Abu Bakr also had an assistant, Amir bin Fuhairah, who was in charge of herding his sheep. In the evenings he shepherded near the cave, so that they could both fetch his milk. Amir waited for the sheep until the end of the night. That's what it did for those 3 nights. Then Amir led his sheep following Abdullah bin Abu Bakr's footsteps after leaving the cave to Mecca, to remove his footprints."

While the people of Quraysh seemed to have lost their minds and were not in their right mind after the morning they lost track of the Messenger of Allah . The first thing they did was beat Ali and drag him near the Ka'bah and hold him, in the hope that they could extract information about him.

When they were unable to extract any information from Ali, they immediately went to Abu Bakr's house. They banged on his door. Asma' bint Abu Bakr met them at the door.

"Where's your father?" they asked.

"By Allah, I don't know where my father is," he replied.

Abu Jahal immediately raised his hand and slapped Asma' on the cheek until her earrings fell off.

Through a brief and quick meeting they decided to use all possible means to find the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr. In every lane in Makkah there were stationed several guards with fully equipped weapons, and whoever could bring him to the Quraysh alive or dead, was provided with a reward of 100 camels, whoever he was.

At that time every horseman, hiker, and trail seeker was looking for him. They spread to the mountains and valleys, to the highlands and lowlands. But the result is nil.

Actually some of them were already approaching the mouth of the cave. But God is more powerful. Al-Bukhari narrated from Anas, from Abu Bakr, he said, “I was with the Prophet in the cave. I lifted my head and saw some people's feet. I said, "O Prophet of Allah, if they had looked up, they would have seen us."

"Be quiet, O Abu Bakr. Two people, and the third is Allah." In a lafazh it is stated, "What do you think, O Abu Bakr, about two people, while the third is Allah?"

This is where the miracle that Allah bestowed on His Prophet took place. Finally the seekers returned, even though the distance between them and him was only a few feet.

>>>[Taken from the book Ar-Rahiqul Makhtum (Sirah Nabawiyah), by Shaykh Shafiyyurrahman Al Mubarakfuri] [DDHKNews]

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