
Here's how to get rid of implants in a Syar'i way

Here's how to get rid of implants in a Syar'i way

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

I was implanted in the past when I went to work in Singapore, before going to Hong Kong, and the last time around 2014. The goal was just to make it easier to find a good job and employer. But instead I get the opposite. I also felt uncomfortable.

I want to remove all the implants. I've asked people for help. He said, there is still something that has not been released. Once, I wanted to be bathed in the sea.

My question: first, can the implant be removed remotely? For example I'm here and who helped release him is in Indonesia? Second, is there any other alternative that does not require bathing in the sea, because I am allergic to seawater. And, can consuming Moringa leaf tea or bidara leaves lose implants? I often drink the tea.

Thank you Ustadz for the answer.

Regards, Amini Ansori (Amy)


ليكم السلام الله ات

Bismillah… Islam teaches its people to always purify their aqiqah and monotheism, so that they do not fall into the form of shirk, no matter how small, especially big ones.

A Muslim must always endeavor, pray, and leave all his affairs to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala or commonly called tawakal.

Among the forms of shirk that many people do is inserting implants into their bodies as a form of effort to make it easier to get a job, to be authoritative in front of others, or to be protected from harassment and crime. We need to know that implants and the like have jinn in them. So, in the body of the person who is fitted with implants there is a genie residing. Na'udzu billah min dzalik.

In fact, this actually adds to the weakness, anxiety, and misgivings for its users. This is as stated in the following hadith:

ان الله النبي لى الله ليه لم لا لْقَةٌ صُفْرٍ، ال: ا ا؟ ال الوَاهِنَةِ، ال: انزعها ا لا لا ا؛ لو وهي ليك ا لحت ا. (رواه ابن اجه)

From 'Imrān bin uṣain radhiyallahu 'anhu, that the Prophet allallāhu 'alaihi wa sallam saw a man with a brass bracelet in his hand. He asked, "What is this?" The man replied, "To ward off disease". Then he said, "Take off the bracelet, because it will only increase your weakness. Indeed, if you die and the bracelet is still in your body, then you will not be lucky forever." (HR Ahmad & Ibn Majah)

Amulets that are outside our bodies such as bracelets, necklaces, belts, and so on, of course, removing them is relatively easier and physically clear. Then how to remove implants that are swallowed or implanted in the body?

If it is still medically visible and legible, then removing it can be done by dissecting it and taking it according to medical provisions. However, there are implants that when planted are already integrated into a person's body. So the way to get rid of it is to diruqyah syar'i by a kyai or ustadz. Do not forget that the person concerned must have an independent effort to release it by meruqyah himself as often as possible. No need to go to the sea or other places to be treated, and so on. Because it is not recommended in religion. Instead, the person is even more vulnerable and weak.

As for treatment or ruqyah, I recommend using the close-range ruqyah method or directly. Because it is more visible effect on the patient.

Drinking bidara leaves that are ground and mixed with water as ruqyah is also recommended. The trick is to finely mash or put into a blender 7 pieces of bidara leaves then mix it with a glass of water, and drink. Don't forget to read a prayer too.

May Allah protect us all, amen...

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

(Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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