
The Law of Believing the House in the Skewer Position Brings Bad luck

The Law of Believing the House in the Skewer Position Brings Bad luck

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

If the house is on a skewer, is it good to live in or not? The problem is, my husband is difficult to talk to. Moreover, if I was invited to any discussion, I never wanted to. Do you always have discussions and tell your parents and even more to your sister, who is a very fussy girl.

As for me, because I often hear about the skewer house, I'm getting anxious. In my opinion, with the same price, it's better to find another location. Or, for example in another location or housing that may be smaller in area. Actually, I want it like that.

Because I also have toddlers, I really need an environment to grow and develop. But I can't do anything. My husband is very stubborn, fierce, and stingy with me. Never even want to hear my input.

Thank you, Ustadz.

Greetings, Fulanah


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

My sister, who is blessed by Allah… As a Muslim or Muslimah, we must straighten our faith and always only put our trust in Allah, and not be suspicious of Him. Some of us believe that certain events are associated with bad luck or luck. In fact, it was Allah who brought them both. It is our prejudice that determines, as Allah SWT says in the hadith qudsi:


"I am in accordance with My servant's prejudice against Me". (Narrated by Bukhari Muslim)

Among what is developing in the community is if someone occupies a skewer house or a house that directly faces the road, where road users when using the road lead to the house, then the occupants will be afflicted with continuous misfortune. This includes thiyarah (superstition/myth).

Even though the Prophet said:

الطيرة ا ا لا لكن الله التوكل (رواه )

"Thiyarah is shirk, not between us but Allah will eliminate it (thiyarah) with tawakkal". (HR Ahmad)

It is the right tawakal that will eliminate our doubts about things that are believed to bring bad luck and so on.

But if someone believes that something bad will happen to him for acceptable reasons, not for reasons that are not clear, then that's okay. For example, a person who lives in a house that is in an area prone to landslides, floods, or earthquakes, if he avoids it, then this includes caution which is permissible in Islam.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.



(Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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