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Professional Zakat Law for Migrant Workers

DDHK. ORG – Professional zakat for migrant workers or workers in overseas such as household assistants, baby sitters, drivers, and others. What are the rules? Is all profession subject to zakat? Check this out.

In this case, Sheikh Yusuf Al Qordhowi mentions several examples of professional zakat obligatory zakat, such as doctors, architects, artists, tailors, wood carvers and others.

He refers to the work with terms al mihan al hurroh (profession). Sheikh Yusuf Al Qardhawi has not included migrant workers explicitly, but seen from al mihan al hurroh's criteria, migrant workers, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore are included in the profession.

This is because they are paid every month with a fairly high standard. For example, Hong Kong migrant workers are paid a minimum of 4.110 Hong Kong dollars, this is equivalent to 6.500.000 rupiah. This means that their salary is equivalent to the lowest manager in Indonesia or a civil servant who has worked for more than 10 years.

This figure is net because food, drink and lodging are the responsibility of the person who employs the migrant worker.

In September 2015 it was announced a salary increase of 2.5%, meaning that from 4.110 it had increased to 4.210 per month. Not to mention the meal allowance, which usually employers prefer to cash in, has also increased.

Thus, a migrant worker receives more than 960 Hong Kong dollars based on needs per day.

Based on these facts, migrant workers in Hong Kong have an income above the average employee or employee in Indonesia.

As previously disclosed, they receive a minimum of IDR 6.500.000 per month. If calculated for 12 months, their total income for a year is 78.000.000 rupiah.

When converted to a gold value, this figure is more than 2 times the nishab of zakat maal which is only 85 grams of gold.

If the price of gold is 500.000 per gram, then 85 grams is equivalent to 42.500.000 rupiah. Thus, a migrant worker is obliged to pay zakat with two alternatives, first, pay it out at the end of each year as zakat maal in the amount of 2.5% of the total annual income (78.000.000), namely IDR 1.950.000.

Second, issue it every month as professional zakat, which is 2.5% of monthly income (6.500.000), which is IDR 162.500.

This figure is very small compared to the total salary earned, this is only the equivalent of one internet package every month, what are you waiting for, let's give alms.

This is reinforced by the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Number 3 of 2003 concerning Income Zakat which decides:

1. General Provisions

In this Fatwa, what is meant by "income" is any income such as salary, honorarium, wages, services and others obtained in a lawful way, both routinely such as state officials, employees or employees, and non-routine such as doctors, lawyers, consultants, and the like, as well as income derived from other independent work.

2. Law

All forms of halal income must be subject to zakat on condition that it reaches the nishab within one year, which is 85 grams of gold.

3. Time for Issuing Zakat

a. Income Zakat can be issued upon receipt if it is sufficient nishab
b. If it does not reach the nishab, then all income is collected for one year; then zakat is issued if the net income is sufficient nishab

4. The level of income Zakat is 2,5%.

Allah knows best. [DDHK News]

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