
How to Clean from Unclean Dogs?


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

Mr. Ustadz, sorry to disturb his activities, I want to ask about unclean dogs. Please enlighten me.

I worked for the employer, looking after dogs. I prayed it didn't feel comfortable in my heart. I am still confused with his thaharah, how to get the required dust (soil)?

I can only thaharoh, purify myself, at night, finish work. So, I can pray also only at night. Can Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, be recited at night?

Also, what about fasting (sunnah fasting and Ramadan fasting)? During compulsory fasting or sunnah fasting, if I come into contact with unclean dogs, will my fast not be canceled?





Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

For fasting it should be carried out properly, especially the fast of Ramadan. Sunnah fasts can be added, such as fasting Monday, Thursday, mid-month, etc. Touching unclean when fasting does not invalidate fasting, but it is not valid for prayer. Continue to multiply istighfar and prayers, may Allah make it easier for you to worship and can work in a better place.

The method of washing unclean dogs is also mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet, which means: “The purity of a container for one of you when a dog licks it is by washing it seven times. One of them, mixed with dust. " (Reported by Muslim, Ahmad).

The dust or soil used can be obtained from around us who are holy. Even now there are products that contain dust or soil that can be used for cleaning.

Di Hong KongThere is thaharoh soap available that can be purchased, one of which is at the Malaysia Shop, in Wan Chai. That could be a solution, because it is not easy to find dust in Hong Kong.

The scholars all agree that the dog's saliva is unclean, so that the water it licks, its sweat, and its animal derivatives are severely unclean. Imam Syafii even punished all the bodies of these dogs as mughalazhah unclean. According to the ulama's view, the affected objects must be washed seven times, one of which is mixed with holy dust.

For prayer, it must be performed on time, as much as possible. You can't do qadla at night.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim.

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