
UINSA Students Join Teaching at TPQ Hong Kong

CAUSEWAY BAY | HONG KONG - The Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Hong Kong, Saturday (24/8/2019), again held Koran learning activities for children. This activity, which has been carried out for about five years, is held regularly every Saturday.

Dawali TPQ study by reading the letter al-Fatihah together led by Ustadzah Endang. The activity continued with reading a prayer. After that, read the two sentences of the creed and pray.

Ustadzah Endang then invited the TPQ participants to read the letters an-Nas, al-Falaq, and al-Ikhlas to retrain their memorizing memories. Before the Koran study activity began, Ustadzah Endang explained the pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith.

Apart from Ustadzah Endang, the children who participated in the KJRI TPQ were also taught by Ustadzah As, Ustadzah Tun, and students of the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UINSA) Surabaya. The students who are currently interning in Hong Kong are helping the ustadzah to teach the KJRI to the KJRI TPQ students.

"I am amazed by the students here who are passionate about learning the Koran, I hope that you can be istiqomah," said Alvin Uways Alqorni, one of the UINSA students who taught at TPQ.  

After each recitation participant accompanied by UINSA ustadzah and students, everyone deposited a memorized short letter or daily prayer. The TPQ recitation is closed with Zuhur prayer in congregation.

[Nuril Hafildotul Ilmi]

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