NewsHong Kong

This Year Ends, Indonesian Migrant Workers Contract Extended by 6 Months

DDHK.ORG - On Tuesday (28/9/2021) the Government Hong Kong announced that measures to assist foreign domestic workers (PRT) and their employers to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic were extended. One of these steps is the extension of the term of the employment contract.

"For all domestic workers contracts expiring on or before December 31 this year, the Labor Commissioner has given in-principle approval to extend the working period to a maximum of 6 months," the Hong Kong government website said.

If it cannot be arranged for the newly recruited worker to come to Hong Kong within this 6 month period and the employer must continue to employ the domestic worker beyond the extended period, the employer must apply for a contract extension with the existing domestic worker. “If the current contract with the domestic worker has been extended under the flexibility arrangements announced on 28 June, the employer may also extend the employment period for a maximum period of 6 additional months.”

Delayed return to home country

The Hong Kong government also pays attention to the return of foreign domestic workers to their home countries.

In this regard, foreign domestic workers on a new contract with the same employer, or due to starting a new contract with a new employer after the expiration of the existing contract, may apply for a postponement of returning to their home country, but limited to no more than 1 year after the expiration of the existing employment contract.

In light of the pandemic, the Hong Kong Government will extend the relevant flexibility arrangements announced on December 30 last year.

“If a domestic worker is unable to return to her place/country of origin within a period of 1 year, the domestic worker can apply for a further extension of the limit of stay until the end of their contract.”

The government emphasizes that the above flexibility arrangements must be mutually agreed upon between employers and workers. And, employers must arrange for their foreign domestic workers to return to their home country within the extended stay period.

8 weeks before the work contract ends

As with applications for contract extensions with the same employer, applications for further extension of the stay to the end of the contract may be received within 8 weeks prior to the expiration of the existing contract.

Visa applications must be submitted through the Department of Immigration's web page. Inquiries about application status and early termination notices can also be made via the website.

For inquiries about employment rights and benefits, call the Department of Labor at 2157 9537 or by email.

For inquiries regarding foreign domestic helper visa applications, call the Immigration Department at 2824 6111 or by email. [Source:] [DDHKNews]

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