
23 How To Be Devoted To Both Parents

DDHK. ORG In living in this world, of course everyone wants to be a successful person in this world and the hereafter. To achieve that, one way is to be devoted to both parents.

This was conveyed by Ustadz Abdul Muhaemin Karim when giving a religious study at the Al-Falah Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) KJRI Hong Kong, in the Seminar Room. Ammar Wan Chai Mosque, 7 October. "If it's kind to both of them then life will be successful. If you hurt and disobey both of them, then life will be miserable, ”he said, in front of the 21 congregation participants of the recitation.

Ustadz Muhaemin also conveyed 23 highly recommended ways to do so that he could be classified as a child who is devoted to both parents.

23 How To Be Devoted To Both Parents

  1. Talking to both parents must be polite, courteous, and gentle. It is not allowed to say "AH!", UH !, Cis !, or anything like those words. Likewise, snorting breath as a form of dislike of the attitudes or orders of parents. Do not say to them with strong words like yelling and scolding.

"Say to them with kind words and please both of them," said Ustadz Muhaemin.

  1. Always obey all the commands of parents, as long as they do not command things that contain elements of sin and immorality. If they command sinning, they must also refuse it gently and with understanding. Conversely, if they command a good thing, it must be done immediately even though they are busy doing something.

As exemplified by a great scholar who was giving a lecture in front of thousands of people. Then someone came and whispered that his mother ordered the cleric to come home for a while to feed the chickens. So the cleric asked the congregation for permission to go home and feed the chickens as his mother ordered. When his mother was satisfied, the scholar returned to the pulpit and continued his lecture.

  1. Don't put on a sullen face, don't stare, and look sour when faced with both of them. If there is anything we don't like about them, be patient, take a deep breath, and smile.

"Remember, thousands of our attitudes and behaviors from birth to adulthood are often troublesome for parents, but they are still patient with their children," he said.

  1. Do your best to protect your parents' good name. If someone contaminates it, immediately clean it and defend it. Take care of their property and don't take it without their permission, even if it's only one rupiah. Meanwhile, when parents take our property, we must be sincere. Because in truth, children and their belongings are the property of their parents, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW explained in his hadith.
  2. Lighten their burdens, help with their homework, and serve them well. Their bones have brittle, raised us before, their skin has wrinkled, and the gray hair in their hair more and more. Repay their kindness, even though we will not be able to repay them.
  3. Have a discussion with both parents about the problems we face or the decisions we will make. If there is a dispute of opinion, apologize to both of them and ask for their blessings and blessings.
  4. When your father or mother calls, immediately answer the call with a bright face and a voice that is easy for them to hear. Answer the call even though you are praying the sunnah.
  5. Respect your parents' friends and friends, both while they are alive and after their parents have died. If necessary, do good to our parents' friends as our parents do good to their friends.
  6. Do your best not to argue with their words, not to blame and belittle them, and not to scoff at their mistakes. Try to be polite and explain their mistakes in the right manner.
  7. Listen to their words and advice seriously. Do not show a bored attitude, even if the advice they convey is the same.
  8. Get up when your parents come to your house, welcome them, and kiss their hands.
  9. Don't go if your parents won't let go. If forced to leave, apologize and explain as well as possible. If you are still angry, keep trying to ask for his approval and blessing. When you go far, don't forget to always call, text, or give news.
  10. Don't enter their room without getting permission. Ask permission before entering, especially when they are resting, namely before dawn, after evening, and during the day when they may take a nap.
  11. Don't overtake your parents when eating. Let them get their food first. Respect them, even when they are eating and drinking.
  12. Don't lie to your parents. Whose heart doesn't hurt when lied to. Moreover, the noble heart of the parents.
  13. Don't put your wife and children first over your parents. For a man, the first devotion is to both parents. Whereas for a woman, the main devotion is to her husband.
  14. When sitting, don't sit on a higher place than your parents, don't stretch your legs in front of your father and mother, and don't sit arrogantly in front of your parents.

If on the train or bus, give the seats to the father and mother. Let us, the child, stand. Also, if there are elderly people, pregnant women, or women carrying their children on board, give them your seat.

  1. Do not boast in front of your parents even though you are a high official, even though the president. Don't be arrogant to him even though you earn far more than them.

“Try not to hurt their feelings even if it's just one word. remember their kindness. Remember, you were not born from a stone, but from your mother's womb with great sacrifice and pain, ”said Ustadz Muhaemin.

  1. Do not be stingy and stingy to give wealth to them. Pay attention to their needs, try not to get them to beg. Remember that if you do good to your parents now, your children will do good to you in return.
  2. Visit them often, bringing your wife and children with you. Look, how happy the parents are to see the arrival of their children, especially their grandchildren.
  3. In filial piety, mother first, then father first. Mother's degree is three times higher than that of a father.
  4. If your parents fight with your wife, be wise. Advise your wife and give her understanding. This is indeed a very difficult situation. But really, the pleasure of parents should take precedence over the pleasure of the wife.
  5. Pray for them while they are alive and when they have died. [DDHK News]

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