
Tragic! Just 2 months in Hong Kong, PMI is entangled in drug syndicates

TAI LAM | HONG KONG - A very tragic story happened to an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) with the initials N. Just 2 months after setting foot in Hong Kong, this woman from Sulawesi was caught in the trap of a drug syndicate. Finally, he had to languish in prison. Shatter the dream of wanting to improve the fate that was brought when flying from your hometown.

N said that at the time of the incident he, who had only been working in the Land of Beton for 2 months, was given a day off on weekdays, aka not on Sundays. One time, he claimed to be approached by a woman who was also from Indonesia who claimed to have a boyfriend from Africa.

The person offers him a part time or parttime job, paying HK $ 70 per hour. "I think it's not bad for additions," he told the team Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) who visited him at the Tai Lam Correctional Institution or Tai Lam prison, Sunday (27/10/2019).

However, it was not luck that was achieved, on the contrary, the unlucky fate was obtained. The lure of a meager income actually led N to the iron bars of the Land of Concrete.

N said, one day he agreed when asked to pick up goods at the Kowloon Bay Post office. He was told that the package contained lipstick. "It turns out, inside there are illegal drugs (drugs)," he said.

Now N has served 18 months in detention. Next month the case will be tried again. The DDHK team did not get any information on the agenda for the session. What is clear is that N hopes that at the trial he will be found not guilty and immediately released. [Mia / Lina]

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