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FoSSEI and Dompet Dhuafa Invite Medical Device Waqf

INDONESIA - The Islamic Economic Study Silaturrahim Forum (FoSSEI) invites the public to contribute to the fight against the corona pandemic in Indonesia, through the Medical Device Waqf Movement. The Medical Device Waqf Movement is a form of joint FoSSEI collaboration Dompet Dhuafa to fight the spread of Corona. The distribution of assistance will be in the form of medical devices, namely ventilators or breathing devices.

The Medical Device Waqf Movement began to roll out on Friday, March 27 2020. Conducted simultaneously online through the regional social media of the Islamic Economic Study Group (KSEI) and FoSSEI cadres themselves.

"This Waqf Movement is the opening of a series of FoSSEI National Campaign agendas for 2020 with the theme 'Empowering ZISWAF in Building the People's Economy'. So, the younger generation is closer and more literate Ziswaf, "said FoSSEI National Presidium, Boma Bromodipati.

The FoSSEI National Campaign Program is an annual work program held by FoSSEI to ground the Islamic economy in Indonesia. Until now, the implementation of the National Campaign has entered its 16th year which carries the hashtag #MillenialMelekZiswaf.

This FoSSEI milad will be enlivened by a series of FoSSEI National Campaign activities in 2020, namely, starting with the Medical Device Waqf Movement, FoSSEI Goes to Village (FGTV), FoSSEI Film, Podcast, FoSSEI Goes to School (FGTS), FoSSEI Writing and ending with ZISWAF Run.

In line with the theme, FoSSEI realizes meaningful contributions to prevent the Corona virus. Considering that the pandemic cases have increased to more than 2.000 cases which claimed nearly 200 lives in Indonesia as of April 5, 2020. The procurement of medical devices is intended for the Covid-19 Container Hospital or the first referral hospital for the Corona virus case, namely the RST Hospital Dompet Dhuafa which is located in Bogor.

"Hopefully, the waqf donations collected from the Medical Device Waqf Movement can provide support for medical personnel in overcoming Covid-19," said Boma.

Collaboration between FoSSEI and Dompet Dhuafa very meaningful. This is emphasized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to carry out health mitigation efforts together. As a step to save human lives as a top priority.

[DDHKNews / source: Dompet Dhuafa]

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