NewsHong Kong

This is said by the Hong Kong government regarding Indonesian migrant workers who die 9 days after being injected with vaccines

DDHK.ORG - The Hong Kong government provides an official statement about the case of an Indonesian migrant worker who died 9 days after receiving a second dose of Covid-19 vaccine at Kwong Wah Hospital. This was reported on the Government's official website,, Friday (21/5/2021).

"The Ministry of Health said at 4 pm today, in the past 24 hours, it has received one report from the Hospital Authority of a death with a suspected serious adverse event with a history of COVID-19 vaccination within 14 days," it read. preach.

Although it did not mention the identity of the victim, the Government did mention several facts related to the death of Indonesian migrant workers which were discussed among the Indonesian community in Negeri Beton. Namely, the case involved a 44 year old woman who was admitted to the accident and emergency department of Kwong Wah Hospital, on Friday.

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Furthermore, the Government stated that the woman received a second dose of the BioNTech vaccine at the community vaccination center on May 12. "There is no record that he complained of feeling unwell during the observation there," wrote

"So far, there is no clinical evidence to suggest that the incident was caused by the vaccine. The department will forward the case to the Clinical Event Assessment Expert Committee After COVID 19 Immunization for causality assessment. "

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It said, as of May 16, 2021, the Hong Kong government received around 2.890 reports of side effects after vaccine injection. That figure represents 0,15 percent of the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine given in Hong Kong.

From these reports, 20 reported death cases with a history of vaccination within 14 days were received. The expert committee concluded that 5 of the five cases had no causal relationship with COVID-19 vaccination. Meanwhile, the rest were initially thought to be unrelated to vaccination. [DDHK News]

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