
Tarwiyah in the Series of Hajj Pilgrimage

Imam An-Nawawi in the Book of Idhah mentions sunnah or recommendations for pilgrims to stop at Mina on 8 Dzulhijjah or Tarwiyah day and perform Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers, as well as spend the night and pray Subuh at Mina.

Being in Mina on the 8th of Dzulhijjah is one of the sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This means that during the pilgrimage he did that, based on the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and Ibn Abbas. Ibn Abbas said, "Rasulullah SAW prayed Zuhr on Tarwiyah Day and Fajr prayer on the day of Arafat from Mina."

From this hadith it is known, in Mina the Prophet performed the Zuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers on Tarwiyah Day 8 Dzulhijjah and Subuh on 9 Dzulhijjah. The 4 cycles of prayer are carried out in qashar (brief) without plural. After that just headed to Padang Arafah to do wukuf.

In Mina on Tarwiyah Day, it is the right time for dhikr and contemplation, like Prophet Abraham who had to think or contemplate on God's command to slaughter Prophet Ismail on that day.

In the context of the pilgrimage, Tarwiyah is a pilgrimage procession performed by the Prophet saw on the 8th of Zulhijah. At that time one of the things that was done was to collect supplies, especially water, and prepare for the peak of the pilgrimage, namely standing at Arafah.

For regular pilgrims from Indonesia or other Southeast Asian countries, generally on the day of tarwiyah directly go to Arafah to prepare for the peak of the pilgrimage, considering the situation and conditions.

Others, such as special pilgrims or from several other countries perform the sunnah tarwiyah service, at dawn they continue to Arafah.

May we be facilitated to carry out all the processes of Hajj and Umrah.

19 Dzulqaidah 1444H/ 8 June 2023 (AFQ – Serial study towards the Hajj season)

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