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British Muslims Raise Funds for Palestinian Gaza Children

Muslim-Hands-Walks-For-GazaDDHK News, UK - Thousands of British Muslims and non-Muslims participated in the “Walks for Gaza” demonstration, on foot while raising aid funds to save Palestinian Gazans.

This event to support the struggle for Palestinian Muslims was initiated by the Muslim Hands charity in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Leicester.

"Saving Gaza children is basically saving Gaza," one of the organizers told OnIslam.net, Friday (24/1).

Dressed in warm clothing, the thousands of Britons walked five miles from the cold to raise funds for Gaza children. The funds raised will be used to finance charity programs in eastern Gaza.

Focusing on aid for Gaza children, Britain's Muslim organization Hand has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in recent years. They are determined to make a difference in the lives of Palestinian children.

The Gaza area is still isolated by Israel and largely ignored by the international community due to lack of media coverage.

Last year hundreds of participants in this social action braved freezing temperatures in London's Hyde Park and Manchester Heaton Park and managed to raise £ 117,000 to help Gaza's children.

Muslim Hands hopes to be able to raise more funds in this action to enable Gaza children to receive psychosocial and medical care check-up. (mel / onislam.net / localhost / project / personal / ddhongkong.org / ddhongkong.org). *

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