Fidyah, how much, to whom, when to pay it

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

If you pay fidyah, how much per day? Then, when does fidyah have to be paid?

Thank you, Ustadz.




Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Bismillah ... Fidyah means ransom. In terms of fasting, fidyah is a ransom that must be paid for people who are unable to fast in the month of Ramadan because of continuous illness for a long period of time or have little hope of recovery, or parents who are unable to fast, or pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

What is the size of the fidyah?

Fidyah is paid as much as the number of fasting days left. The size of fidyah is 1 mud or 1/4 the size of zakat fitrah for 1 day of fasting left behind. If zakat fitrah is 2,5 kilograms or 3,5 liters of rice, then the size of the fidyah is 6,25 ounces of rice or 0,875 liters of rice, respectively. Fidyah can also be given in the form of cooked food, including side dishes so that it is ready to eat. If someone wants to increase the size of the fidyah for each portion, then that is fine and noble. Do not let fidyah be food that is below the standard of food that is usually eaten by the fidyah payer.

Is the fidyah for each fast that is left behind is 1 portion of food or 3 portions, as generally people eat 3 times a day?

The strong opinion is one meal only. If someone gives up to three portions of food and is done voluntarily, then that is permissible.

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To whom is fidyah given?

Fidyah must be given to the poor who need it. We can give them directly. For example, we have a 30 day fasting debt, so we can give 30 portions of food to each of them. Or, it could be to a trusted zakat management institution so that later it will be distributed to the poor who need it.

When to pay fidyah?

Fidyah can be paid on the day we leave our fast. For example, that day we were looking for poor people who were sick to feed us. Or to make it easier, we pay fidyah after the month of Ramadan, where it is not the time for Muslims to fast and give it to the poor who need it.

NB: Fidyah can also be given in the form of money, as long as it is right on target.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.



(Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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