
6 years of no contact and no support for husband, can you marry again?

6 years of no contact and no support for husband, can you marry again? Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. Please help to answer. I have been separated from my husband for 6 years (no physical and spiritual support, no contact) but I am not legally divorced in Indonesia. The question is, can I get married in an unregistered way in Hong Kong? If so, what are the terms and conditions? Shukron, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh. Thanks for the question. One of the obligations of a husband to his wife is to provide a living. Livelihood here is not only a living outwardly, but also an inner livelihood. It is this obligation that causes a... READ MORE

Legal Vaccination with AstraZeneca

Legal Vaccination with AstraZeneca Assalamu'alaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. What to do after knowing the AztraZeneca vaccine is haram? Meanwhile, some have already been vaccinated once using that brand of vaccine. In Indonesia, there is no choice. And, which is better, whether to follow the words of the party giving the vaccine or not? Explanation please. Shukron, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh. Thanks for the question. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued fatwa Number 1 of 14 concerning the Law on the Use of the AstraZeneca Vaccine. Even though it contains haram ingredients, the fatwa explains that the use of AstraZeneca vaccines is currently permissible or permissible. ... READ MORE

Men's Law for Treatment to Female Doctors and vice versa

DDHK.ORG — A man may give treatment to a woman, and a woman may also give treatment to a man during an emergency. Imam Bukhari said in the chapter that it is permissible for women to treat men and men to treat women, that Rubayyi bint Mu'awwidz bin Afra' said, "We fought with the Messenger of Allah, we gave water to the soldiers, served them, and brought the slain troops. or get injured to Medina." In the book Fath al-Bari, Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar said, "It is permissible to treat people who are not mahrams in an emergency. However, it is permissible to carry out treatment according to the level of needs of the patient, such as seeing, touching, and... READ MORE

Evil Coworkers, What Should I Do?

DDHK.ORG — Assalamu'alaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. At my workplace there are 2 Indonesians (me and my friend). I've only worked for 1 year and he's been working for 5 years. In the past, I was employed in an agency office. Then, I was transferred to work at the employer's son's house because I was replaced by my friend who had worked for 5 years. I don't like working at the employer's son's house. Finally, I moved to work at their house. They suit me too. However, the other friend did not like me working at the employer's house. Because, he wanted his brother who worked there. And my friend... READ MORE

Hajj and Sacrifice; Grounding the Values ​​of Social Piety and Dialogical Learning with Al-Haqq towards Internalization of Haqq (Part 2—Final)

Aspects of Ukhrawi (Hereafter) in the Hajj In the pilgrimage there are analogies with the human journey to the afterlife. Among them, the need for Allah's forgiveness and the pilgrimage to become the cause of forgiveness of sins. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Whoever performs Hajj and then does not commit any heinous acts and wickedness, then he will return clean (forgiven) from his sins as when he was born to his mother". (Muttafaq 'Alaih). Maghfirah (forgiveness) is a matter that is needed by humans when traveling to the afterlife, and the gate to the afterlife starts from death. And Rasulullah SAW taught us when burying the body to ask forgiveness and firmness from Allah "Istaghfiru Li Akhikum Was-alu Lahu Bit Tatsbit Fainnahul Aan... READ MORE

Hajj and Sacrifice: Grounding the Values ​​of Social Piety and Dialogical Learning with Al-Haqq towards Internalization of Haqq (Part 1)

Then We revealed to you (Muhammad): "Follow the religion of Abraham, a hanif" and he is not one of those who associate partners with God. (Surat an-Nahl: 123) It is undeniable that every human being in any religion, by nature, has an interest in worshiping and communicating with his Lord. Therefore, God wisely always determines a certain place for every religious community to gather to worship and communicate in order to get closer to Him. For followers of the US Abrahamic religion, Allah SWT has determined the illegitimate land of Mecca as a place to carry out the shari'ah of the pilgrimage and sacrifice, since Ibrahim AS and Ismail AS received the mandate of worship until the Prophet Muhammad SAW. READ MORE

Lying because of Force, is Allah Forgiven?

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. Do all forms of lying Allah not forgive him? I'm confused about my situation here. My employer is not good. I haven't had a day off for almost 10 months. You can't leave the house either. If you want permission to buy medicine and other necessities, it can be delivered, and even then it can only be done once every 3 months. Food is not guaranteed. The employer also said bad. Sometimes he would say, “What are you doing in the kitchen? Pray to your Lord?” There is a huge difference between the information when I signed the work contract that allowed me to pray and I was allowed to take a day off and the reality. If I report it to the agency, I am only asked to be patient. As a result, I increasingly... READ MORE

These 5 Habits Can Make You Stay Young

DDHK.ORG — Increasing age has an impact on the aging process. However, the aging process can be inhibited by a number of habits associated with a healthy lifestyle. What are these habits? First, exercise regularly. A study from McMaster University showed people who are 40 years old and avid exercisers have skin similar to people in their 20s. Exercise creates hormones and substances that can help slow down aging of the skin. Exercise also helps relieve stress, one of the main factors of aging. Everyone is recommended to exercise regularly 150 minutes every week or about 30 minutes, 5 times a week. Second, the consumption of healthy nutrition and... READ MORE

Forgetting the number of rak'ah prayers and early Tahiyat

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. If you forget the number of rak'ahs when praying, for example, what should be 2 rak'ahs becomes 3, but when you are standing on the third rak'ah someone reminds you and then you remember, does that include adding more cycles of prayer? Then, what about praying 4 rak'ahs and forgetting whether it is already the initial tahiyat or not in the second rak'ah, and we have entered the third rakaat? Some say, we just believe it's the second rak'ah and do the initial tahiyat. If that's the case, isn't it the same as increasing the cycle of prayer? So, what to do when we forget in the second rak'ah, have we... READ MORE

Not praying and fasting for reasons of work, can it be replaced by payment of fidyah?

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask. At what age did you start fasting in Ramadan? Is it mandatory for a 7 year old child to fast? Are we obliged to pay fidyah if we leave prayer and fasting for work reasons? Shukron, Ustadz. Greetings, Fulanah ANSWER: Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh. The conditions for fasting are obligatory, in addition to Muslims, they are also baligh. That is, children who have reached puberty are obliged to fast, like other adults. Fasting for small children (who are not yet mature) is not obligatory. However, the child's guardian ordered them to get used to practicing from an early age. Fasting for children has a reward and there is no sin in leaving it. Fidyah only applies to those who leave fasting. ... READ MORE