Not working with slanderers and sheep complainants

Not working with slanderers and sheep complainants


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

I have been working for this employer for 9 months but I still don't feel at home and don't feel at home, Ustadz. The heart is restless, anxious and uneasy here.

In this house there are 2 servants, both from Indonesia. My housemate has been here for 9 years, she likes to complain to my employer, play one another, slander, and is very fussy.

But alhamdulillah, here I can pray freely, 5 times a day. I always pray for peace of mind and to feel at home here, but still my heart is not calm.

The plan is for the 12th month (December) tomorrow I want to break (terminate the work contract), look for a new employer. I don't feel at home with my housemates. Is it possible that because he doesn't pray and eat pork, his temper becomes rude, arrogant, wants to win alone?

Ustadz, ask for a solution.

Thank you, Ustadz.




Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Indeed namimah (sheep fighting) is a sin which some scholars include in the category of major sins. Rasulullah saw once passed two graves of people who were being tortured. One, because it is not complete and clean when you urinate, the other is because you walk the earth by spreading hatred, aka fighting sheep.

He also said:

لَا يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ نَمَّامٌ. و في رواية فَتَّاتٌ (رواه مسلم)

"There will not be a sheepfighter in Heaven". (Reported by Muslim)

Facing problems like the one above, we should be patient a lot and surrender everything to God. Remember, good patience is if there is a problem, we confide in God, not humans.

Allah SWT said:

اصبر ا لا {المعارج: }

"Be patient (Muhammad) with good patience". {Surah Al-Ma'ãrij: 5}

The next step is to immediately look for a new work contract. It is an endeavor for us to avoid slander. That is the right step.

While always asking Allah, may we find a way out of each of our problems. And don't forget, so that we are always husnuzhon to Him.

Hopefully useful for my sister there.

God knows best, bish-shawab.


Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH

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