
Bad breath can be a sign of heart disease

DDHK. ORG – Bad breath is not only a problem that is caused because the mouth is filled with germs or is rarely cleaned.

Until now, bad breath is often considered a common problem for some people. But keep in mind, bad breath can be a sign heart disease.

One of them is coronary heart disease (CHD), also known as ischemic heart disease. In this condition, the heart's blood supply is blocked and disrupted by the buildup of fatty substances in the coronary arteries.

Reporting from Seconds, this disease is the cause of 66 thousand deaths di English every year with an average of 180 people dying every day. Researchers at the Swiss Global Health Institute explain that a bacterium called Fusobacterium nucleatum is related to this terrible disease.

Oral bacteria can cause bad breath and gum disease. However, scientists say, it could be a risk factor for CHD.

Research leader Flavia Hodel explained, her party wanted to find out the role of infection in the emergence of coronary heart disease.

The research team then analyzed health data, genetic information, and also blood samples from 3.456 people. Over a 12-year period, about 6 percent of participants had a heart attack or other cardiovascular event.

The research team also tested participants' blood samples for the presence of antibodies to 15 different viruses, 5 bacteria, and 1 parasite. His findings suggest that antibodies to Fusobacterium nucleatum are associated with a slightly increased cardiovascular risk.

"Fusobacterium nucleatum may contribute to cardiovascular risk through increased systemic inflammation," said Hodel quoted from Mirror, Monday (27/2/2023).

Jacques Fellay as Hodel's colleague also added, there is indeed a relationship related to bacteria in the mouth and the risk of heart problems.

“Due to the presence of bacteria in the mouth or through direct colonization of the artery walls or plaque lining the artery walls. Our results may lead to new ways of identifying high-risk individuals. Or laying the groundwork for studies of preventive interventions that treat Fusobacterium nucleatum infection to protect the heart," added the professor at Swiss Fellay's School of Life Sciences.

The research team then stated that the presence of Fusobacterium nucleatum could be used as an identification tool for patients at risk of developing coronary heart disease. This screening tool can help people who have indications for prevention.

What's more, this Fusobacterium nucleatum infection can also be treated and can help reduce the risk of heart disease. [DDHK News]


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