Mother Doesn't Want to Live with Daughter-in-Law, Is it Durhaka if you can't take care of her?

Mother Doesn't Want to Live with Daughter-in-Law, Is it Durhaka if you can't take care of her?


Assalamualaikum, Chaplain.

Ustadz I want to ask a question. What should I do as both wife and child?

Mother is very old. My brother has passed away, only one older sister and nephew are left.

My husband doesn't like it when I take care of my mother alone. While I brought home, my mother didn't want to. To join sister, mother doesn't feel at home.

Because my husband and children said that I had to serve my husband, I was confused. Meanwhile, we and my mother live far away, in different provinces.

Am I one of those children who disobey my mother if I don't take care of her? Please find a solution.





Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

It should be well communicated, mutually understood by all. Indeed, when we become wives, we have obligations to our husbands too, but that does not mean that we don't have obligations to our parents. Stay, well communicated.

There needs to be a third party, for example, uncle and other siblings for consultation.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim.

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