The Law of Accepting Donations and Donating Non-Muslims to Disaster Victims

The Law of Accepting Donations and Donating Non-Muslims to Disaster Victims

Assalamu'alaikum, Ustadz. I want to ask.

Ustadz, this is a friend in Yuen Long. He is a Muslim from childhood. After growing up, when he wanted to marry a Christian, he converted to Christianity.

Right now, he has a Christian girlfriend. Every holiday, he looks for me to sit together, listen to Islamic studies and fill out charity boxes.

He also once expressed his intention to borrow donations or infaq money to help his girlfriend's village in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) which was being flooded. He said that all the residents in the village are Christians. Is it okay to use infaq money to help a Christian village that is being flooded?

I once asked if he wanted to convert to Islam again, he replied, "I don't know yet."

I once said to him, “If you want to participate in listening to the study, go ahead and don't have to fill in the infaq box, that's okay. May Allah give you guidance to embrace Islam again with istikomah."

Can I really tell him that?

Thank you, Ustadz.

Greetings, Fulanah


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

Bismillah… giving donations to infidels/non-Muslims as long as they are worldly, then the law is permissible, even including noble actions, such as feeding, clothing, shelter, or assistance due to calamities that befell them. This is because they are also human beings of God who are entitled to good treatment from anyone.

Rasulullah SAW said:

المؤمن لف لف لا لا لف لا لف الناس للناس (رواه الطبراني)

"The believer (should) be gentle and be treated gently, there is no good for people who are not gentle or are not treated gently. And the best of people are those who are most beneficial to other human beings.” (HR Thabrani)

In another narration, the Messenger of Allah also said:

الله عون العبد ا ام العبد (رواه لم)

"And Allah always helps a servant, while the servant always helps his brother." (HR Muslim)

So, donating to them or lending them money while in worldly affairs is permissible.

What is not allowed is to help spread their religion in any form, because it is included in the realm of creed. This is the true meaning and limit of tolerance, which is to let them carry out their teachings without us disturbing and without us helping them. As Allah SWT says:

لكم لي {الكافرون:٦}

"To you is your religion, and to me is my religion." {Surat al-Kafirun: 6}

Can Accept Donations

As for our non-Muslim friend who still likes to come and listen to Islamic studies and then he also contributes by putting money in the infaq box, then we may accept donations from him with a note:

  1. We do not ask but indeed on the basis of his willingness;
  2. The donated property is lawful;
  3. The donation is not based on certain conditions that contain the symbols of their religion so that it is detrimental to Islam and the Muslims.

Because maybe this is the way of guidance that God gave him. So as a Muslim, he has the right to give him permission to participate in and listen to Islamic studies, as well as receive donations from him.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


(Answered by: Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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