The Al-Huda Study Group was formed to serve as a place to read the children of Indonesian migrants in Hong Kong

DDHK.ORG - Sunday, November 1, 2020, is a historic day for migrant children of Indonesian mothers who live in Hong Kong. On that day, at the Ibrahim Mosque, an Al-Huda study group was formed, where they could learn the Koran and get to know the teachings of Islam, the religion of their mothers.

“Al-Huda itself means 'guidance', with the hope that it will always provide good guidance for them. In the Al-Huda study group they are expected to learn to read the Koran and learn Islam, ”said Sri Biarti, leader of the Al-Huda study group.

In the Al-Huda study group, children between 2 and 12 years of age will be taught the Koran by a teacher named Silviyanti. They are taught to write Hijaiyah letters, to read Al-Qur'an, memorizing short letters, and prayers. Every Thursday afternoon, the Islamic Union of Hong Kong's Da'wah Executive, Ustadz Abdul Muhaemin Karim, also provides religious guidance through the Zoom application for them.

The purpose of establishing the Al-huda study group, said the woman who is usually called Bu Ai, is to fulfill the expectations of their mothers so that their children can become pious and pious children. Previously, they gathered and studied at Jordan Park.

"Alhamdulillah, these children are diligent and eager to learn," he said.

Attended by the General Manager of DDHK

Tim Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) was also present at the formation of the Al-Huda study group at the Ibrahim Mosque. The team consisting of several volunteers was present led by the General Manager of DDHK, M. Imam Baihaqi.

At the event, Imam Baihaqi delivered a speech. He also provides support and motivation for the formation of the Al-Huda study group.

The event was also attended by the mothers of these migrant children and several Indonesian migrant worker organizations.

Among them, the board and congregation of the Halaqoh assembly on Sunday, the Ammar Wan Chai Mosque and the Head of Posmih Mahmudi Abdussalam.

"Please pray for all the friends who have been present at the Ibrahim Mosque, that our sons and daughters can memorize the Qur'an," said one mother whose child joined the Al-Huda study group.

[Report: Maya / Wati / Rusmi]