Hadith Criteria Based on the Quality of Sanad

DDHK.ORG - The science of hadith is the study of hadith in terms of its narration and status.

The benefits of studying it, will be very rewarding because by studying the science of hadith we will often mention the name of the Prophet. Also, so that we know how to process the hadith so that it becomes a reference for us. So that we also do not convey a "hadith" which is not from the Messenger of Allah.

One that is discussed in the Science of Hadith, is the division of hadiths based on the quality of their sanad. Namely:

  1. Saheeh, divided into 2: Sahih lidzatihi and Sahih lighairihi.
  2. Hasan, divided into 2: Hasan lidzatihi and Hasan lighairihi.
  3. Dhaif, because of the defect of the narrator and because of the break in sanad.

Sahih Hadith Requirements:

  1. Sanadnya muttashil: continued up to the Prophet, nothing was cut off.
  2. The nurse is fair: istiqomah in practicing religion, never committing major sins and not often committing minor sins, not a fasiq person.
  3. Perawinya dhabith: strong memorization.
  4. No syadz: there is no contradiction between one narration and another.
  5. There is no illat: there are no hidden defects.

If these 5 conditions are fulfilled, then a hadith can be said to be Sahih Hadith.

Sahih lidzatihi, namely the 5 conditions have been collected in the hadith. Meanwhile, Sahih lighairihi means, the hadith becomes Saheeh because of other hadiths. For example, initially this hadith is Hasan. But because it is supported by another hadith, his status has risen to Saheeh.

Hasan's hadith, the conditions are the same as the Sahih Hadith, but there are narrators who are less dhabith, that is, their memorization is not perfect.

Dhoif hadith is a hadith that does not meet the requirements of Sahih Hadith and Hadith Hasan.

In practice, some can be used as evidence and some that cannot be used as evidence. So, it doesn't always have to be thrown away.

It can be used as evidence, if it is related to moral guidance, fadhoilul a'mal, and the dhoif is not severe.

What should not be used as evidence, if it is related to faith, lawful and haram, as well as syara 'worship.


Oleh Ustadz Muhamad Hizbullah, MA, delivered during the DDHK Online Overseas Madrasah Study, Sunday, March 21, 2021.

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