Cure Diseases with Alms!

EVERY disease has a cure. If a disease does not heal even though it has been treated everywhere and with various kinds of medicine, then the possibility of a cure has not been found - the fact is, of course, there is no permission from Allah SWT for its recovery.

In treating disease in general, there are two ways, namely effort and prayer. Effort is done by seeing a doctor, drinking or eating the medicine, then perfected with prayer.

However, not many people realize that one panacea - call it 'extra medicine' - for a disease is alms, as the hadith: "Treat the sick among you with charity" (This hadith was produced by Shaykh Al-Albani inside Saheeh al-Jami ').

Thus, giving alms, in addition to making our wealth a blessing and useful, if it can be a healing from Allah SWT for a disease suffered.

Shaykh Sulaiman Bin Abdul Karim Al-Mufarrij as quoted Al-Sofwah said, "O my brother who is sick, the alms that are meant in this hadith are alms that are intended to obtain healing. Maybe, you have done a lot of alms, but you did not do it with the intention of getting healing from Allah SWT.. Therefore, you try to do it now and grow trust and confidence that Allah SWT will heal you. Fill the stomachs of the needy until they are full, or provide for orphans, or donate your property, or do alms, because in fact alms can lift and eliminate various kinds of diseases and various kinds of calamities and trials ... O my brother who is sick, don't you hunks. against yourself. Now is the time for alms "(Shifatun 'Ilaajiyyah Tuzilu Al-Amraadh bi Al-Kulliyyah).

Someone asked Abdullah Bin Mubarak wombahullah, about his knee disease which he has suffered since seven years. He has made various attempts to treat it and has asked the doctors, but has not felt any results. So Abdullah Bin Mubarak wombahullah, said to him, “You go find a source of water and dig a well there because people need water! I hope there is water gushing over there. So that person did what was suggested by him, then he was healed "(Sahih At-Targhib). *