World Hijab Day Unites Muslims and Non-Muslims

World Hijab Day Unite Muslims and Non-Muslims

DDHK News - The enthusiasm for the implementation of World Hijab Day on February 1 2015 is extraordinary. Each country has a special message that is tailored to the situation and condition of the issue of hijab in their respective countries.

As reported Monday (2/2), in France, World Hijab Day is a momentum to calm the situation after the Charlie Hebdo magazine shooting tragedy.

In India, Muslim women gathered in Uttar Pradesh to celebrate World Hijab Day for the first time, Sunday (1/2). Thousands of miles from India, Muslim women and non-Muslims prepared the commemoration. Non-Muslim women are planning to wear the hijab for the first time.

In Nigeria and the Philippines, organizations in both countries are preparing to commemorate World Hijab Day by organizing peaceful demonstrations. Take part in the event for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

World Hijab Day is an initiative of New Yorker Nazma Khan. He was motivated to move the action because he felt the discrimination against the hijab he wore. (ROL). *