Three Charities That Can Change Destiny

DESTINY or the provisions of Allah SWT can change with a number of good deeds. This means, if we do good deeds, then the bad destiny that was meant to befall us will be removed by Allah SWT.

Allah SWT is indeed Most Gracious and Merciful, also Almighty over everything.

Here are four deeds that can turn bad destiny into good destiny, based on authentic hadiths.

1. Charity.
"Doing good to you, because doing good (doing good / worship) will change something bad that has been determined by him" (Narrated by Bukhori and Muslim).

"Nothing can add to one's life, except good (charity)." (HR. Ahmad and Thabrani)

2. Alms
"Surely that alms can extinguish Allah's anger and reject bad provisions." (HR. Tirmidhi).

"Hasten to give charity, because reinforcements never preceded alms." (HR. Tabrani).

"In fact, almsgiving and friendship can increase age and reject bad terms that are not liked and want to be shunned." (Narrated by Abu Ya'la Alhambali).

3. Prayer
"Nothing can reject the destiny of Allah, except prayer." (HR. Tirmidhi, Hakim, Ahmad, and Ibnu Majah).

May we be given guidance and strength to carry out three deeds that can change this destiny. Amen! Allah knows best. (ed / localhost / project / personal / / *