These are Natural Healthy Tips from the Expert of Thibbun Nabawi

DDHK News, Hong Kong - Modern medicine is getting more sophisticated. But even more disease. Magnificent hospitals were also built with quality services that are not inferior to star hotels.

Our comfort while in the hospital is more comfortable. But you know what? The more we drink drugs made of chemicals, the more diseases we will cause?

"The more often we take medicines from modern doctors, we are actually drinking poison for our bodies," said the Head of the Indonesian Thibbun Nabawi Institute, Dr. Zaidul Akbar, when filling out the Thibbun Nabawi training held by the Integrated Health Service team Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (LKT DDHK), March 30 and April 5-6 2014.

"Like the changing weather season in Hong Kong at this time, from winter to summer, our bodies will be very susceptible to being attacked by germs or easily catching colds and coughs because our bodies are adapting to the weather from cold to hot. Not infrequently our health will be disturbed. "

He said that the diseases that most easily attack us are flu and coughs. Before going to the doctor, try some tips on how to cure it. The flu attacks our bodies usually due to our cold body or a lack of sweating so that the pores of our bodies freeze or close.

Zaidul Akbar suggested doing light exercise when we have flu. For example, by running lightly in the morning, at least 30 minutes.

When we have the flu, it is usually accompanied by a cough. There is a dry cough and cough with phlegm. If the cough is dry, it is advisable to drink boiled ginger water mixed with a spoonful of honey. Cough with phlegm drinking honey mixed with lemon juice.

Dr. Zaidul also suggested drinking honey water with a dose of two tablespoons of honey brewed with a glass of water every day to maintain stamina.

"We have to change mindset we start now about insurance. So when we have insurance, not if we are sick, but our insurance is for a healthy old age, "said Dr. Zaidul Akbar in front of DDHK volunteers who took part in Ala Thibun Nabawi's healthy learning.

"With Thibun Nabawi or cupping, it means we return to nature, namely humans who are created from the essence of dust or soil which is 70% water. So maintaining a proper diet is a must for every human being, "he stressed.

He also reminded about fast food. So far, he said, we always think of fast food as food that we need to enjoy. In fact, it is considered something to be proud of. In fact, by consuming fast food or eating food that is processed according to the taste of the tongue, that is what invites many diseases. Various kinds of diseases will easily attack our bodies.

Dr. Zaidul suggested that we eat more vegetables and fruit. "Avoid drinking soft drinks or drinks that have been processed by the manufacturer," he said.

"Try also if we want to eat fruit, half an hour before eating the main food or drink water 30 minutes before eating. And after eating, wait 30 minutes later, we just drink water, so that when our stomach is hot or processing the food we were eating, we don't suddenly get cold because we immediately drink water after eating. Actually, the stomachache that we experience is due to our wrong rules in eating and drinking. " (Titiew / *