Tablig Akbar Indonesia Standby: Muslims Must Be Prepared for Trials

DDHK News, Hong Kong - A number of Taklim BMI Hong Kong are working together Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) held a tablig akbar and muhasabah, Sunday (23/2), at Houtung School Causeway Bay, with the theme "Indonesia Alert", with Ustadzah Nur Islamiah (da'iyah Cordofa DDHK, Ustadz Ali Liongman, Acting GM DDHK Ustadz Abdul Ghofur , and Bana Nasyid.

Ustadzah Nur Islamiyah explained how the attitude of a Muslim woman in dealing with disasters or calamities. "Always ready to face the test of difficulties that at any time given by God," he said.

He explained, everything in the world has been rotated by Allah as it rotates day and night, as stated in QS Asy-Syarh: 5-6, in fact with difficulties there is ease.

"We must remain confident that Allah will not burden with difficulties beyond our ability. Laa yukallifullaha nafsan illa wus'aha, "He explained.

Apart from being ready to face the test, Muslims must also be sincere and pleased with all the provisions of Allah SWT. "It is not allowed to avoid reality and supposing when facing disaster because it includes denying fate," he explained.

The existence of a disaster or a test must also make us muhasabah, self-evaluation, what we have or haven't done. "It could be that a disaster is a warning for our mistakes, it can also be a test to increase the degree of our faith before Allah," he said. (Neni / Volunteer / localhost / project / personal / / *