Prayer After Sneezing and Answers to Prayers of Others

DDHK. ORG – Sneezing is simply the body's mechanism for cleaning the nose. It's not strange, when someone inhales a pungent odor or dust, people will sneeze. In Islam, this sneezing prayer is quite special because it is repeated.

Sneezing is also often associated with the flu. When someone has a fever, dizziness, runny nose, it's not uncommon for them to sneeze.

Sneezing is common and can be found in everyday life. People Islam it is recommended to read a prayer after sneezing.

Reporting from Liputan6,  prayer what is read is bertahmid or reading hamdalah. The tahmid or hamdalah pronunciation that can be read is as follows:

God bless you


Meaning: "Praise be to Allah."

Rasulullah saw advised people who sneeze to pray. This suggestion was narrated by Imam Bukhari from a friend of Abu Hurairah ra. However, similar hadiths can also be found in the narrations of Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Sunni, and Abu Ya'la. Rasulullah saw said which means,

“Allah loves sneezing and hates yawning. When you sneeze, you should praise Allah. As for every Muslim who hears it, he must pray, 'yaḥamukallāh.' As for yawning, it comes from Satan. When you yawn, you should hold back as much as you can because if you yawn, the devil laughs, "(Narrated by Bukhari).

God bless you all الى فشمتوه، فإن لم يحمد الله فلا تشمتوه

Meaning, “It was narrated to us in Sahih Muslim from a friend of Abu Musa Al-Asya'ri ra, he said, 'I heard the Messenger of Allah say,' If one of you sneezes, then praises Allah, then answer. But if he doesn't praise Him, don't answer,''” (Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Azkar, [Damascus, Darul Mallah: 1971 M/1391 H], page 231).

This is the prayer that is read when sneezing and when other people answer the prayer we say. Hopefully useful and can be practiced yes. [DDHK News]