John Lee Chosen as Chief Executive of Hong Kong to Replace Carrie Lam

DDHK.ORG - John Lee won the 2022 Chief Executive Election on Sunday (8/5/2022) with 1.416 valid “support” votes from Election Committee members. Under the provisions of Section 28 of the Chief Executive Election Act, Lee was elected because he had more than 750 valid “support” votes.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam also offered his sincere congratulations to Lee on his successful election. In her statement, Lam said that she and the current administration would ensure a smooth transition with the elected Chief Executive and provide all necessary support for the new government.

"He will present the election results report to the Central People's Government (in Beijing) today (Sunday)," the Hong Kong government website,, said.

Hong Kong new chapter

Chief Executive-elect John Lee vowed to start a new chapter for Hong Kong with every citizen, building it into a caring, open and vibrant city filled with hope, opportunity and harmony. He made this statement shortly after being elected as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the sixth term.

“I have been given the honor to serve our country, serve Hong Kong and serve our people for the next five years. It is an honor that I accept with humility and sincere gratitude," he said.

Lee asserted, "With loyalty and perseverance, I will carry out this historic mission and assume this responsibility to unite and lead Hong Kong's 7,4 million people to start a new chapter together."

The principle of “one country, two systems”

He noted that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Hong Kong SAR and must continue to ensure the comprehensive, accurate and firm implementation of the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people who govern Hong Kong”, and a high degree of autonomy. "We will continue to uphold the rule of law, which is a core pillar of our good governance and tackle future challenges with confidence," said Lee.

"Securing our country's sovereignty, national security and development interests, protecting Hong Kong from internal and external threats, and ensuring its stability will continue to be of paramount importance," Lee said.

Lee also stressed that ensuring the welfare of the people will always be his main goal. He stressed that the next government will adopt a results-oriented approach and nurture a new government culture of bold thinking and strong teamwork.

“Coming into a position with readiness for change, I will look to address the most pressing issues we have. The government will apply our best efforts to provide more housing and a better living environment by streamlining administrative and legal procedures, and adopting innovative measures. We will improve our health care system to provide better health care to our people, especially the elderly. We will also build a caring and inclusive society, and increase the upward mobility of our youth," he said.

In addition to maximizing its strength under “one country, two systems”, Lee pointed out that the Hong Kong SAR should also be proactively integrated into national development, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, as well as all the benefits available through it. rapid development of the nation.

In addition, Hong Kong should capitalize on its status as an international metropolis that upholds the values ​​of inclusion, diversity and openness, expands its international connectivity and builds a better business environment while enhancing its overall competitiveness.

"Hong Kong's role as a gateway and bridge between the world and the country should also be further strengthened," Lee said.

Lee added, “Under the principle of 'patriots who govern Hong Kong', my administration will work closely with the Legislative Council to enhance Hong Kong's governance capabilities, encourage positive interaction between government and legislature, and strengthen dialogue and communication between officials and legislators to work together. same problem solving." [DDHKNews]