Failing to make peace with the employer, Imah went to the Tribual

Call it Imah, a Hong Kong BMI from Indramayu. She recently worked in the Causeway Bay area, looking after a 93-year-old grandmother.

Imah was fired by her employer on December 4, 2013 on charges of stealing a toothbrush. He was forced to sign one month notice or letter of termination notice.

Imah who had no experience obeying the agent's orders to sign one month notice, after his agent threatened to call the police and put him in prison.

After the signature one month notice, Imah returned to the employer's house and worked until the appointed time.

On January 5, Imah was again forced by the agent to sign his last salary and annual leave. But the money was not given to Imah. He doesn't want to and looks for help.

With DDHK's advocacy and Christian Action's help, Imah took a legal route. He sued the employer. On February 5 he was meeting at the Wancai Labor office. Even though he finally had to go to the Labor Tribunal, he admitted that he was not afraid to face an employer who had violated his rights. (Titie W / localhost / project / personal / / *