Everyday Cantonese for Place Names

DDHK. ORG - Diverse places are often visited in everyday life. And it's time for us to get to know various places in Bahasa Cantonese used at the time communicate of Hong Kong.

Here are the names of places that are often used in Cantonese:



Address: Tei ci

Apartments: Jang Lau

Apothecary : Yuk Fong



Bank : Ngan Hong



Kitchen : Jui Fong



Garage : Che Fong



Hotel: Cau team



Immigration: Yim Man Kuk



Street: Hang



Bathroom : Ji sho

Bedroom : Kan fong

Office: Office

Police Office : Jai Kun

Post Office : Yau Cing KUK

Consulate : Ling si Kun



Floor 10 : Sap Lau

Downstairs : Lao ha

Ground Floor of House Building : Ok Ge Lao Ha



Nursing Home : Lo Yan Yun

Market: Kaisi

Libraries: Dai Sui Kun



Home: Ok Ge

Restaurant : Jan Deng / Cau Ka

Hospital: Yi Yun



School: Hok Hau

Supermarket : Jiu Gab si Jiong



Park: Kung Yun

Place: Te Fong

Shop: Bodau


These are the names of places in Cantonese. Literally Cantonese or Guangdong language, in Indonesia which is often called Konghu language is one of the Yue Chinese dialects spoken in Guangdong and its environs in the People's Republic of China/southern China, Hong Kong, Macau, communities of Chinese descent in Southeast Asia and also Chinese in other parts of the world. Cantonese is the traditional prestige dialect of Yue.

Cantonese is the trade language of most Chinese living overseas – spoken by nearly 70 million people worldwide, a number rivaled only outside the People's Republic of China/China by Hokkien which has around 40 million speakers.

The history of this Cantonese dialect can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. According to research by Han linguists in the People's Republic of China/China, the Cantonese dialect is one of the oldest surviving dialects of the Han language today. The Cantonese dialect was widely used during the Tang Dynasty. That's why it's assumed that reciting the poems of Li Bai, Du Fu who lived during the Tang Dynasty in Cantonese dialect is more suitable than reciting them in Mandarin as we know it today.

Cantonese also has speakers among Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia. In Indonesia, Cantonese is commonly known as Confucian language.

Hopefully it will increase your vocabulary in Cantonese, dear friends. [DDHK News]