Ahead of Eid, Don't Be Tempted by Illegal Loans

DDHK. ORG - Ahead of Eid, people are targeted for illegal online loans (pinjol). For this reason, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) appealed to the public not to be tempted by illegal loans.

As reported Republika, Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, said loan offers usually start to bloom just before Eid.

"What is dangerous is wanting Eid, definitely for consumptive. To meet family in the village, buy new gadgets after the hospitality is finished paying debts with quite heavy interest. Not to mention if he chooses an illegal loan," said Friderica when met at the Socialization of the Monitoring of the Behavior of Financial Services and Consumer Protection and the Community at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/3/2023).

Friderica explained, basically, legal loans have a good impact. He said the loans provided could make it easier for people to avoid many moneylenders or loan sharks.

According to him, legal loans can facilitate urgent needs in the sense of being productive.

"For example, we often see in the area there are women who have stalls and she knows how much she spends a day, then she knows how much profit she will borrow and then pay it back. It's good to make people's lives easier,” said Friderica

Meanwhile, in the existing research, Friderica said that some loan users were not for productive purposes. Friderica said that there are actually many loan users to pay off debts.

"Some loan users, sometimes they already have debt before, so it's troublesome people who dig holes to close holes," said Friderica.

Friderica revealed, there are also many loan users for consumptive things. He stressed, this is very dangerous, especially just for lifestyle.

For this reason, Friderica ensures that OJK through the Investment Alert Task Force will be even more proactive in dealing with illegal loans that keep popping up. Friderica said education and literacy will continue to be intensified.

"We carry out monitoring and also take firm action against those who are still illegal," said Friderica. [DDHK News]