Ustadz Badrusalim

Coming from Kebumen, Central Java, the world of social humanity and da'wah has set Ustadz Badrusalim's feet in several regions in Indonesia. Just to name a few, to Palu, Central Sulawesi (2018); Lumajang, East Java (2022); and Cianjur (West Java (2022). In these three areas, the husband of a wife named Allfiyah was assigned as Disaster Response Dai by Corp Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa).

The same world has also flown the father of Alwardatul Adawiyyah, Ahmad Al Ghozali Ibnussalim, and Assayyidah Khodijah to the Philippines (2011), Timor Leste (2015), Suriname (2023), and Hong Kong (2018, 2019, 2023).

The world of education and da'wah is the way of life that Ustadz Badrusalim pursues. This man with the title of Bachelor of Islamic Education is listed as a teacher at MI Ma'arif Aditirta Kebumen, as well as the Asatidz PP An-Nahdloh Student IAINU Council in Kebumen and the Council for Dhikr, Sholawat & Taklim Malam Ahad Wage Kebumen.

Apart from frequently providing religious sermons at various taklim assemblies, this ustadz, who was once an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) in Malaysia, was also listed as Dai Cordofa Central Java and Dai Ambassador Cordofa Jakarta 2014.

Long before that, Ustadz Badrusalim was a graduate of STAINU Kebumen. Informally, he is also recorded as having received his education at Al-Huda Jetis Islamic Boarding School, Kebumen; PP Lirboyo, Kediri; PP Modern Gading Kroya, Cilacap; PP Al-Ikhhsan Arabic-English Development Skills Purwokerto; and PP AL-Falah Kediri.

Life is full of challenges, as well as hope. Maybe it was on that basis that Ustadz Badrusalim made the motto "Man Jadda Wajada", whoever means it, he will be able to make it his life motto.