These 8 Groups of People Who Have the Right to Receive Zakat

DDHK.ORG - Zakat funds have many functions for the development of Islam and not just people can accept it. Al_Qur'an has arranged, who is entitled to receive zakat.

In the Al-Quran Surah At-Taubah verse 61, Allah says, "Verily zakat-zakat, is only for the poor, the poor, amil zakat, converts who are persuaded by their hearts, to (free) slaves, those who in debt, for the way of Allah, and for those who are on the way, as a provision which is required by Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise ”(Surah At Taubah: 60)

So that there is no mistake in distributing zakat, this is an explanation of the groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat, according to what has been mentioned in the verse.

  1. Fakir

The poor are a group of people who do not have a job, income, or even wealth. His life was in difficult conditions to support himself. Therefore, people who are destitute belong to the group of people who are entitled to receive zakat.

According to Buya Hamka, Fakir means “bending over the spine”, a term for someone who has been bent over carrying the burdens of life.

If there is someone who is still physically fresh, does not work or earns money because he is lazy and does not want to do business, then he is not included in the category of needy. Zakat can help the poor to improve the economy.

  1. Lazy

The poor are people who have an income, have worked according to their ability, are not lazy, but their income is still insufficient to meet their daily needs.

A person who belongs to the poor class, has tried as much as they have done, but there is no change in his life. Zakat can help the poor to ease their economic burden.

  1. Gharim

The Gharim group are people in debt. Debt in question is debt to fulfill lawful needs. Not because consumer debt is over-shopping. For example, there was a child whose diploma was detained because he had a payment debt to the school.

Apart from personal debt, people who are in debt for the needs of society are also entitled to receive zakat. For example, someone repaired a road with potholes, but it turned out that he had insufficient funds, and he was in debt. He is entitled to receive zakat.

  1. Riqab

Riqab or slave, is a group that wants to free itself from slavery. Zakat can help to make my slave free. In this day and age, riqab or mistresses may be rare, but if there is, of course, zakat funds can be used to help them free from the entanglement of injustice.

  1. Converts

A Muslim convert has a need to adapt to Islam. Zakat can be given to converts who are struggling economically. In addition, zakat can be a good relationship for those who have just converted to Islam and need help adapting to their new environment.

  1. Fisabilillah

Fisabilillah is a class of people who are fighting in the way of Allah. They are religious leaders, religious announcers, preachers, and so on. Those who struggle in the way of Allah, spend most of their time and energy to spread the religion of Allah. Then they are entitled to receive zakat funds. In this day and age, fisabilillah can mean a preacher who preaches to all parts of the country, people who uphold Islam, and humanitarian missions within the framework of Islam.

  1. Ibn Sabil (Musafir)

There are also people who are on a long journey, then they run out of expenses on the way, are entitled to receive zakat. These people of Ibn Sabil are of course those who travel for good interests and purposes. Not for something that is mudhorot or forbidden by Allah. They are the Ibn Sabil class.

  1. Amil Zakat

Zakat can be channeled properly if there is a proper management system. The Amil group are people who spend their time and energy collecting, managing and distributing zakat. Today's amil zakat also needs to work professionally, considering that the management of zakat today is very complex in facing various social problems. Therefore, Amil has the right to receive zakat funds.

Those are the 8 groups of people who are entitled to receive zakat in Islamic terms. We should always pay attention to where our zakat is distributed so that we don't get the wrong target. To facilitate the distribution of zakat to mustahik (zakat recipients) appropriately, friends can channel it through Dompet Dhuafa and Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong, as one of the Islamic philanthropic institutions that manages zakat of Indonesian citizens in Hong Kong and Macau.

Distribute zakat friends, for the right and needy mustahik. [Source: Dompet Dhuafa] [DDHKNews]