Sahur, this is a good type of food to eat

DDHK. ORG - Sahur is important as a meal time to support fasting resistance. But what is no less important is paying attention to the types of food that are good for consumption at dawn.

Reporting from Republika, Faculty nutritionist Health Community of Airlangga University (Unair), Dominikus Raditya Atmaka said, intake during sahur is one of the things that should be considered by people who are fasting Ramadan. Because, he said, with the limited eating window they have, people need to make good nutritional arrangements. Moreover, for those who are not used to fasting in the eleven months before Ramadan.

"When the body is fasting, the body will try to lower the metabolic rate to conserve glucose expenditure in the blood so that it can remain stable even though no food enters the body for a long time," he said, Monday (3/4/2023).

Dominik also suggests consuming foods with a lower glycemic index at dawn. In addition, he said, foods high in fiber and containing complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread can also be an option at dawn.

“Where the glycemic index levels determine how quickly glucose is released into the blood. The lower the glycemic index in food, the more hunger will last," said Dominik.

In addition, fluid intake also needs to be ensured to meet fluid needs for one full day. Therefore, people are advised to drink three to four glasses of water at dawn.

“Try to consume adequate fluids so you don't get dehydrated. And multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruit so that the daily needs of fiber, vitamins and minerals can be met," he said. [DDHK News]