Ramadhan, DDHK Al-Qur'an Clinic Replaced by Tadarus Together

DDHK.ORG - During the month of Ramadan, face-to-face learning activities at the Al-Qur'an Clinic every Sunday at the office Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong (DDHK) at Causeway Bay. As a substitute, we carried out tadarus Al-Qur'an activities together.

"During this Ramadan, study activities at the office are on vacation, filled with tadarus together," said Rusmi, a member of the DDHK Volunteer Team who is the coordinator of the DDHK Al-Qur'an Clinic.

On Sunday (25/4/2021) yesterday, 15 people came to the DDHK office to do Al-Qur'an recitations together. "Meanwhile, there are 16 people studying online. They were guided by ustadz Imam Al Faruq, ”said Rusmi.

During Ramadan, learning online Zoom with Ustadz Imam Al Faruq also only runs for the first 2 weeks. Closed for the next 2 weeks.

"For the agenda of the Quran Clinic, in the month of Ramadan until this week, considering that next week has entered the last 10 nights, it would be good if there is time for recitation and recitation of the Quran so that there will be more Quran khotam. Inshaallah, we will start again on May 30, 2021. For that, please allow this message to be conveyed to all participants of the Quran Clinic, "said a WhatsApp message from Ustadz Imam Al Faruq regarding this matter.

Serve PMI who cannot read the Koran

The Al-Qur'an Clinic itself is one of the programs dedicated by DDHK for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Hong Kong who want to learn to read the Koran or read the fluids. If the online class is guided by ustadz Imam Al faruq, face-to-face classes are guided by DDHK volunteers. Namely, Ka Maya, Ka Suliyah, Ka Marlina, Ka Isma, and Rusmi himself.

"For Migrant Friends in Hong Kong who want to join the Al-Qur'an Clinic activities, please register by calling my phone number at 54955284," said Rusmi.

Currently, this DDHK Al-Qur'an Clinic class is only available on Sundays. Face-to-face learning to read the Al-Qur'an begins at 10 am until the time of the Zhuhur prayer. Meanwhile, online learning through Zoom is conducted from 10.00 to 13.00.

In the Al-Qur'an Clinic class, the participants are taught to read the Koran from the basics. Starting from knowing the makharijul letters, tajwid, to tahsin the Al-Qur'an.

Then, what about Indonesian migrant workers who cannot read the Koran at all? Can you join the class in the DDHK Al-Qur'an Clinic?

"Can. We are ready to serve, even though we cannot read yet Al-QuranGod willing, "replied Rusmi. [DDHKNews]