Prayers Welcoming Ramadan According to the Sunnah

DDHK. ORG – Prayer becomes everything that humans need to connect with the Creator. Everything is for the people Islam, have special prayer. There is no exception in welcoming Ramadan.

In a matter of days, Muslims around the world will again meet the month of Ramadan, the holy month which is full of blessings. This month is very eagerly awaited by Muslims because of its virtue.

Every deed that is done will be rewarded many times over. The atmosphere feels more peaceful and full of solemnity. Full mosques and chanting Alquran heard everywhere.

The month of Ramadan is always special. With an abundance of rewards and special practices, don't go through Ramadan with regrets.

The following is a prayer reading to welcome Ramadan according to the sunnah that can be practiced. Prayers welcome this Ramadan as reported from independent, according to the sunnah and can be read at the beginning of the month or when one sees the new moon.

The Shariah Consultation page says that there is no special prayer for welcoming Ramadan. That means there is no prayer to welcome Ramadan according to the sunnah taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam or his companions.

Even so, the friends and generations after are so happy in welcoming this holy month. One of the forms of joy they show is by chanting sentences that contain good wishes and prayers.

Ibn Rajab mentions the testimony of Mu'alla bin Al-Fadhl – tabi' tabiin scholar – saying,

“In the past, friends, for six months before Ramadan came, they prayed that Allah would bring them together with the month of Ramadan. Then, for six months after Ramadan, they pray that Allah will accept their charity during Ramadan." (Lathaif Al-Ma'arif).

Al-Hafidz Ibn Rajab mentioned one example of the prayer they recited. Through a history from Yahya bin Abi Katsir – a tabi'in scholar –, that he said how the prayers of some friends when Ramadan came,


"O Allah, take me to Ramadan, and deliver Ramadan to me, and accept my deeds in Ramadan." (Lathaif Al-Ma'arif).

There is one more prayer that is recommended to be read when we are about to enter the month of Ramadan. The prayer is a prayer when you see the new moon. Even so, the prayer for welcoming Ramadan according to this sunnah is actually a general prayer, which applies to all months, when someone sees the new moon. So, it is not devoted to the month of Ramadan only.

The following is the reading of the prayer to welcome Ramadhan,

O God of Allah ِيقِ لِمَا تُحِبُّ وَتَرْضَى، رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ

“Allahu Akbar, O Allah, make the new moon for us by bringing security and faith, safety and Islam, and bringing taufiq who guides us towards what You love and are pleased with. Our Lord and your Lord (O month), is Allah." (Narrated by Ahmad).

But, as previously mentioned, this prayer is only recited when one can see the new moon at the beginning of the month. Therefore, for those who cannot see the new moon, it is not prescribed to read this prayer at the beginning of the month. [DDHK News]