Laughing and Moving Can Lower Cholesterol

DDHK.ORG - High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of various diseases. One of them is heart disease.

But you need to worry because high cholesterol can still be lowered to normal limits. Then, how to quickly lower cholesterol?

There are several quick ways to lower cholesterol that you can do every day. You can lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDl (good cholesterol).

Quoting from CNN Indonesia, there are several quick ways to lower bad cholesterol that you can do every day. One of them is moving.

"You can take a leisurely walk or moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day is enough to lower bad cholesterol in your body," wrote CNN Indonesia.

Start slowly if you were previously classified as a lazy person. You can start with a leisurely 10 minute walk. The important thing is, choose an exercise that you enjoy.

Laughter can also increase good cholesterol or HDL. You might start by viewing silly pet videos online, an email list of jokes a day, or watching a funny movie.

Also important, eat fiber, such as oatmeal, apples, prunes, and nuts are rich in soluble fiber, which prevents your body from absorbing cholesterol. Eating more fiber also keeps you feeling full longer, so you won't be craving a snack.

It's not just the omega-3 fats in fish that are heart-healthy. It turns out that replacing red meat with fish lowers cholesterol by reducing exposure to saturated fat, which is abundant in red meat.

But you still have to be careful because some types of fish such as shark, swordfish, and king mackerel, contain high mercury. These fish can increase the risk of heart disease. Instead, opt for wild salmon, sardines, and bluefin tuna.

Quitting smoking is also beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels quite quickly and large. Within 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure and heart rate recovered from the spike caused by smoking.

Within three months of stopping, blood circulation and lung function began to improve. Within a year of quitting, the risk of heart disease was reduced by half. [DDHKNews]