Irish PM Apologizes for Insulting Islam

DDHK News, Ireland - The Muslim community in Ireland has been troubled recently after the controversial statement by Irish Prime Minister Peter Robinson over anti-Islam comments. However, it was not long since the comments were made, Robinson hurriedly corrected and apologized to Muslims in the country.

Robinson was previously seen as supporting Father James McConnell's claim that a new crime was emerging based across the UK. However, this was denied by Robinson. According to him, commenting in one of the Irish newspapers, Irish Independents, misunderstood.

"For more than 24 hours my statement when responding to a newspaper reporter's question has been misinterpreted and given the meaning I never meant," said Robinson as quoted. from (30 / 5).

He also said that he had never tried to create insults against certain communities, including Islam.

Robinson's apology was later welcomed by the Muslim community in Ireland. Through a spokesperson for the Belfast Islamic Center, Dr Raied Al - Wazzan, emphasized that Irish Muslims sincerely and consciously accept Robinson's apology.

Apart from welcoming Robinson's apology, Dr Al Wazzan also said Robinson would open new good relations with the Muslim community in Ireland including visiting Muslim centers in Ireland.

"He will meet the wider Muslim community, maybe some of them are honest with him with what they feel," said Al Wazzan.

Currently the number of Muslims in Ireland is 1,1 percent of the 4,5 million people in Ireland. Whereas two decades ago they numbered about 4 thousand people. The 2011 census recorded around 49.204 Muslims, including nearly 12 school-age children. The figures represent a 51 percent increase since 2006. (ROL)