Food observers: Indonesian Muslims rarely pay attention to halal status

DDHK News, Indonesia - The level of awareness of halal food is still low among Muslims in Indonesia. This causes food companies and entrepreneurs to not care about managing halal certificates.

Ari Parikesit, Food and Culinary Consultant, compared the condition of Indonesia with Singapore. People in Singapore really care about halal certificates.

"Muslims there do not want to eat in a place that does not yet have a halal logo, even though the place does not use alcohol and pork," he was quoted as saying. Republika Online (22/1/2015). "In fact, there Muslims are only a minority."

In Indonesia, he gives a little picture. Muslims, if they want to eat, for example at a sidewalk or a padang restaurant, they don't pay attention to the existing halal status.

"The assumption is that the restaurant sells fried chicken and does not sell pork and alcohol, it means halal," he said. In fact, who can guarantee that chicken meat cuts there are in accordance with Islamic demands.

From this public awareness, food entrepreneurs are not concerned with halal certification. "The logic is why a food entrepreneur should take care of a halal certificate, it doesn't affect operating profits," he said.

Meanwhile, another factor is the expensive and convoluted process of applying for certification. "This further strengthens the reasons for entrepreneurs to be lazy in processing halal certificates," he added.

Ari gave an overview in Singapore, which deals with the halal certificate, namely the Singapore Islamic Council (MUIS) and also the National Environment Agency.

"In Indonesia, MUIS is like MUI and NEA like BPPOM but with broader authority," he said. He stated that all food entrepreneurs from the culinary level to the restaurant are required to apply for a halal certificate. (ROL). *