Hijrah and Hijr

Author: Ustadz Talqis Nurdianto, Lc., MA.

DDHK.ORG - For humans who are still living in the world, they have the opportunity to migrate and haul. Hijrah is not only for himself but also involves and invites other people to migrate.

The word hijrah can mean moving, like from one place to another. It could be, changing from something despicable to commendable. Hijrah here is defined as positive, from bad to good, from good to better, and better, which is not istiqamah, becomes istiqamah.

True, opportunities are still open for humans who are still alive. There are two kinds of opportunities; opportunity to do good and opportunity to do bad. As long as life is still in the body (life), for those who do good there is potential and temptation to do bad, just as people who are in disobedience have the potential to repent and do good.

The temptation comes to the doer of goodness to influence the good that will be done, is being done and finished with the aim of becoming a futile practice, not rewarding with Allah. Thus the perpetrators of immorality are tempted to continue to enjoy their immorality. A day without immorality makes his life empty, nauzbillah min dzalik.

Nothing can guarantee that goodness will continue to be done and the perpetrators of disobedience do not know repentance, except Allah SWT. When Allah gives guidance to whomever he wants, nothing can lead him astray. On the other hand, no one can give guidance to whom Allah has led astray in his life.

Already described in al-Quran QS. Al-A'raf verse 178.

مَنْ يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي ۖ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ

"Whoever is given guidance by Allah, then he is the one who gets guidance; and whosoever Allah deceives, then they are the losers. "

 A good Muslim wants good morals to be born from his behavior, even though it happens with a process. That is the process of being good and best and istiqamah in kindness. This is a form of the hijrah.


"And Al-Muhaajir (people who emigrate) are people who leave the prohibitions of Allah". (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

To be able to leave the prohibitions in Islam, the first step is to know what is forbidden by Allah. Find out what words are forbidden, food and drink that is forbidden, writing that is forbidden, walking that is forbidden, the actions of the hands that are forbidden, the behavior of limbs that is forbidden, prejudice that is forbidden, and everything that is forbidden.

As Muslims also have to know what they are ordered to do so that Muslims are busy with good and there is no opportunity to think about evil, let alone commit crimes.

His name is also Satan, he is not willing that there are Muslims who obey Allah. Temptations continued to be thrown at him. Al-Muhajir (people who emigrate) will also be tempted so that his migration becomes 'gatot' or a complete failure. This can happen because;

  • Weak intentions. Weak intentions affect their daily behavior away from kindness.
  • Joking in kindness. The good that is done is only a game.
  • Approaching the haram so that he is interested in doing it Back, while he has committed to leave it.
  • No good friends. This good friend will remind himself when he is attracted to doing bad things.
  • Not studying religious knowledge, feeling that they have enough knowledge, even feeling that they don't need religious knowledge.
  • The environment is not supportive. A good environment can affect the residents to be good too.

Migration from Haram to Halal

One example of a commitment to emigrate as in the word of Allah below,

إنما حرم عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير وما أهل لغير الله به فمن اضطر غير باغ ولا عاد فإن الله غفور رحيم

"Verily Allah only forbids on you (eating) carcasses, blood, pork and what is slaughtered by mentioning names other than Allah; but whoever is forced to eat it without mistreating nor transgressing, then verily Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. " (Surah An-Nahl: 115).

The trick, look at what you eat, what is being eaten is an animal carcass? Namely, animals whose death does not comply with Islamic law, such as those whose death is beaten, pinched, dropped from a height, stabbed, burned, drowned or slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah in basmalah. Muslims must be selective with the food and drinks that enter their stomach, namely ensuring that what is halal is good.

Consuming blood, both real blood and processed blood that is deliberately consumed. In certain areas, there used to be a name 'did it. ' That is, the blood of animal slaughter that is stored in a place then cooked is continuously consumed, even sold. Worse than that, consuming human blood was part of a heretical ritual.

Migrate not to eat pork and its related derivatives, such as pork oil, processed food mixed with pork, and ground meat used for grinding pork. In certain conditions that threaten death, while only haram food is available, it is permissible to eat it with strict terms and conditions in the Sharia.

The strong intention to migrate in oneself will become the strength to leave the haram-haram things from food that give birth to good speech and praiseworthy behavior, because what goes into him is halal food and drink that is good. Then, what comes out is also the good one. [Tq] [DDDHK.ORG]