Ustadzah's Profile: Nani Handayani

DDHK.ORG - Sri Endang Handayani or who is familiar with the name Nani Handayani received her bachelor's degree in 1985 at the Jakarta Teaching and Education Institute (IKIP) or now known as the Jakarta State University (UNJ). He also studied at the Ushuluddin College of Sciences from 2014 to 2017.

Since being a student, he has been a da'wah activist. At that time, he was active in preaching at the Indonesian Student Association (HMI) as well as the mosque's LMD participants Salman ITB. Until now, he has been filling recitation in various agencies, companies and housing. In addition, he has also been a resource person on MNC TV and preached in various cities in the archipelago and was invited by Dompet Dhuafa to fill the taklim tabligh grand in Hong Kong.

The wife of Mr. Herri Siddik once filled in lecture religious group recitation at the residence of the late. Prof. H. BJ Habibie. Not only that, a number of companies and state-owned enterprises also often invited him to deliver tausyiah, including at the Routine Study of the Association of the Wives of BUMN Leaders, the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, Bank Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Telkomsel, Indosat, and Astra Honda Motor.

He has also been invited to be a speaker in various cities in Indonesia by a number of regional heads, agencies, to the ministry, such as filling out the invitation recitation at the official residence of the governor of Bangka Belitung, the governor of Bengkulu, the deputy governor of West Java, the head of the Jakarta Metro Jaya Regional police, the police chief. Bangka Belitung area, deputy head of the Lampung regional police, recitation of the Darma Wanita Association of the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Areas & Transmigration, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Trade.

In her career, this mother of six children has served as director of PGTK Iqro Pondok Gede, Chairman of the BUNAYYA Children Lovers Foundation, and Chairman II of the Central Salimah Management.

Apart from being a da'wah activist, he is also active as an Umrah guide. [DDHK News]

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