Ustadz profile: Sukron Makmun

DDHK.ORG - SUKRON MAKMUN was born on Monday, 7 Dzul-hijjah 1401 H., to coincide with October 5, 1981 in Demak, Central Java.

He has traveled to various parts of the world in search of knowledge and experience. Among them are Egypt, Hijaz (Saudi Arabia), Jordan, Qatar, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, China, Hong Kong, Macau and several countries in Southeast Asia. He visited several cities where Islamic science and civilization flourished, such as Mecca, Medina, Jeddah, Cairo, Alexandria, Ismailiyah, Sharmu as-Sheikh, Isfahan, Shiraz, Nishapur (Naisabur), Khurasan, Qom, Istanbul.

Educational background

Sukron Makmun underwent high school education in the period 1996-2000 at Madrasah Aliyah Khusus as well as boarding at the Futuhiyyah Islamic Boarding School, Mranggen, Demak, Central Java. He then completed his undergraduate education in 1, taking the Department of Akidah & Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin (Lc.), Al-Azhar University, Cairo, in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Meanwhile, his postgraduate education was taken at the Islamic School of Thought University – Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. He graduated in 2011 for the Masters level education, taking studies on State Administration /Public Law (LLM.). Sukron then continued his doctoral education in the field of Islamic faith and philosophy at the University of Darussalam-Gontor, East Java.

Organizational experience

Sukron Makmun is very active in the organizational world. He started this by becoming the Editorial Secretary of the Formula Bulletin for the Special Branch of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCI-NU) Arab Republic of Egypt in 2000. Three years later (2003), he appeared as Editor in Chief of the Informatics Bulletin ICMI (Association of Indonesian Muslim Scholars) Orsat Cairo. , Arab Republic of Egypt.

In the 2003-2004 period, Sukron Makmun served as Coordinator of the Senate KAIFA (Study of Philosophy) of the Indonesian Student and Student Association (PPMI) Cairo. He was also active in the Research and Development of the Informatics Bulletin ICMI Orsat Cairo as well as the Coordinator of the Department of Media and Communication at the same institution in 2004.

In the period 2002-2004, Sukron Makmun served as the Coordinator of the Cadre Division of the PCI-NU Human Resources Research and Development Institute (Lakpesdam) of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

His activities in the organizational world continued by becoming Chairman of the Culture & Values ​​Division of the PERHATI (Chinese Alumni Association) in the 2016-2019 period. In the same period, he was also a member of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Commission for the Study and Research of Banten Province.

In the 2018-2023 period, Sukron Makmun served as Deputy Chairperson of the Banten PWNU Tanfidziyah. Furthermore, in 2019 he was registered as a Da'wah Ambassador (Dai Ambassador) Dompet Dhuafa.

He also serves as Deputy Secretary General of PERHATI for the 2019-2022 management period. Apart from being a member of the MUI Special Da'wah Committee for the period 2019-2024. In the same period, he also served as a member of the National Sharia Arbitration Board (Banten Representative).

This man who has the ability to speak Arabic, Persian and English is also listed as a member of the Banten Province MUI Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Commission for the 2019-2021 period.

Job Experiences

Sukron Makmun worked as a lecturer at STIKOM Prosia, Jakarta, in the period 2014-2015. He also served as the project coordinator of the Legal Bureau and Foreign Cooperation of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2014-2016 period. Apart from being a Staff of Protocol and Consular Functions at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan in the period 2012-2014.

For experiences in national and international forums, Sukron Makmun was the Indonesian delegation in the ASEAN Young Leaders program in Nanning, People's Republic of China, which was held on October 16-November 13, 2014. He also attended and was a speaker at the event International Conference on Religious Issues in Indonesia and Malaysia (ICRIIM), August 2-3, 2019 ago.

On 28 August-1 September 2019, Sukron Makmun attended and presented a paper entitled "Imam Zarkasyi and Said Nursi's Fundamental Concepts of Islamic Education (Cultural and Philosophical Approach) " at the event 10th International Graduate Conference on Risale-I Nur Studies, at the invitation of Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Istanbul, Turkey. Since 2015, he has also been frequently invited to speak at various national seminars organized by Islamic universities and off-campus forums.

Shown on the Big Screen

Since 2014, Sukron Makmun has appeared on television several times on national television. Among them, appeared on 35 episodes of the Cahaya Hati program aired by ANTV. (video: He has also appeared on Metro TV, either as a speaker or as a panelist on Q&A programs (video:

Writing and Works

Sukron Makmun actively writes and is a contributor or resource person in magazines, newspapers and online media, both on a local and national scale. Among them, on Between News, Seconds, Kompas, Republika, NU-Online, nukita, syarnusantara, kbknews, muslim. okezone, news-offerings, antvclickand voice of justice.

As for in form buku ever printed are: Islamic moderation in the contemporary Indonesian context (February 2020), Azerbaijan-English-Indonesian Daily Conversations (Daily Conversation Azerbaijan-English-Indonesia - as editor and contributor, 2013), Law Compilations of Indonesia-Azerbaijan on Immigration (editor and contributor, 2013), Law Compilations of Indonesia-Azerbaijan on Labor (editor and contributor, 2013), and A Compilation of Family Code of Indonesia-Azerbaijan (Editor and Contributor, 2013).

Another book, Indonesian-Azerbaijan Daily Conversation [Daily Conversation Indonesia-Azerbaijan] - (editor and contributor, 2012), Women's Political Rights in Islamic Jurisprudence, Rights of Iran and Indonesia (Tesis, 2011), Rich People Who Follow Satan; Heart Language Strands (2011), OBSESI (Chat Around Islam) in the Corner of Tehran (2009), SAKKARA; Poetry Anthology (2004), Painting the Sahara; Anthology of poetry (Contributor, 2004), Discourse on Contextualization of Islamic Thought (Editor, 2003), Sociology of Islamic Thought (Contributor, 2003), and Mengejar Cahaya; Poetry anthology (Contributor, 2001).

For those who want to know more about Sukron Makmun, you can contact him on his telephone number +6281290429217, Email: or Or, you can visit blogs: and Youtube:[DDHK News]

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