Fidyah for the Elderly Who is Not Able to Fast in Ramadan

Assalamualaikum. Ustadz, I want to ask a question.

How is the payment of fidyah for the elderly who are no longer able to fast in Ramadan?

Thank you, Ustadz.

Greetings, Fulanah


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh.

The criteria for people who can pay fidyah include:

  1. Older parents who do not allow him to fast.
  2. A seriously ill person who is unlikely to be cured.
  3. Pregnant or nursing mothers who, if fasting, are worried about the condition of themselves or their babies (on the doctor's recommendation).

Fidyah must be performed to replace fasting by paying according to the number of fasting days left for one person. Later, the food was donated to the poor.

According to Imam Malik and Imam As-Shafi'i, the fidyah that must be paid is 1 mud of wheat (approximately 6 ounces = 675 grams = 0,75 kilograms or the size of the palm of the hand that is raised when praying).

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Meanwhile, according to the Hanafiyah Ulama, the fidyah that must be issued is 2 mud or the equivalent of 1/2 sha 'wheat. (If 1 sha 'equals 4 mud = about 3 kg, then 1/2 sha' means about 1,5 kg). This second rule is usually used for people who pay fidyah in the form of rice.

So, it can be paid for seniors who cannot fast count every day. If it's in the form of money, it's around IDR 30 to IDR 45.

Fidyah can be paid after the fasting month. Or every day, after the person concerned is not fasting.

Wallâhu a'lam bish-showâb.


[Answered by: Ustadz H. Ahmad Fauzi Qosim]


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