What Can Children Do If Their Parents Have Never Worshiped Their Life?

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Ustadz permission to ask. Like this, if a father dies, even though he did not carry out his obligations as a Muslim on earth, can he go to heaven? Can the grave be cleared? Can it be kept away from the torment of the grave and hell?

So, what should the daughter do to help her father?

Thank you, Ustadz.


Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you


A Muslim who has reached puberty (adult age) andmukallaf (burdened with sharia obligations) is obliged to carry out the burdens of sharia, such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj. Although there is rukhshah (relief) for those who have the syar'i ulzur. Prayer, for example, if you cannot do it standing, then you can do it sitting, etc. Fasting can be replaced by paying fidyah for those who are no longer able to afford it due to prolonged illness or old age. Zakat is only for those who can afford it, as is the case with Hajj.

As long as a Muslim believes in the obligations above, without denying them, then he is still a Muslim. However, if he denies the obligatory things above, then he has left Islam.

For example, if a Muslim misses prayer, will he be tortured in the grave and go to hell?

Scholars agree that if someone abandons prayer because he does not believe in the obligation to pray and denies it, then he is an unbeliever and will be tortured in the grave and will remain eternal in hell. However, if he leaves it because he is reluctant and lazy but in his heart believes that prayer is obligatory without denying it, then the Ulama have a different opinion about the status of that person.

The first opinion, according to Ulama Hanabilah, is that the person has left Islam and is considered an infidel.

The second opinion, according to the jumhur (majority) of Ulama, is that the person is still a Muslim, it's just that he is lazy. He has committed a big sin, so that if he dies in this condition and has not repented, then he will be tortured in the grave and go to hell. However, he ultimately entered Heaven because of the faith he had while not associating partners with Allah Subhanãhu wa Ta'ala.

Rasulullah shallallãhu 'alaihi wasallam said:

العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة، فمن تركها فقد ف ي)

“The agreement between us and them is prayer. So whoever abandons it, he is a disbeliever." (HR Ahmad & Tirmidhi)

Infidels referred to here, the Ulama have different opinions, whether they are disbelievers in aqidah or only disbelievers in practice because they are reluctant to perform prayers for Muslims. So differences of opinion arise.

As for the rights of every Muslim, even if he commits a major sin, as long as he does not deny the obligations of the Shari'a, then even if he goes to hell, if Allah wills, he will certainly take him out and put him in Heaven. Because Allah will expel the inhabitants of hell even if they have little faith in their hearts.

However, those of us who are still alive will certainly try our best to avoid God's punishment and go straight to Heaven.

If our parents die while leaving Islamic law and have not repented, then as long as they believe in Allah and do not associate partners with Him, then as children they are allowed and have the right to pray for their parents.

May Allah protect our families from the torment of hellfire and gather us in Heaven someday, amen...

Hope it works!

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

(Answered by Ustadz Very Setiyawan, Lc., S.Pd.I., MH)

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