Ustadz Khomeini Rosadi

DDHK.ORG - His full name is Khomeini Rosadi. The man who was born in Jakarta, December 2, 1979 ii is usually called Ustadz Khumon.

He grew up in a very simple family. His father, Djandjani, is an entrepreneur. Meanwhile her mother, Tuti, is a housewife who has a culinary business or catering orders.

Since childhood, he liked to recite and sing. Although he also seems to like playing with friends his age, such as playing marbles, hide and seek, galasin, horse with children, playing bicycles far away, occasionally with friends bandring mangoes until being chased by security guards, but the first child of eight siblings always obey the parents. . So, little Khumon agreed, and did not argue, when after graduating from elementary school in 1991, his parents were immediately admitted to the Asshiddiqiyah Pesantren, Jakarta.

At the Asshiddiqiyah Khumon Pesantren studied for 6 years. From the MTs level in 1991 until he graduated in Aliyah 1997. At the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta Khumon learned a lot about religious knowledge and the yellow book. Every morning, reciting the book Ta'limul Muta'allim and Tafsir Jalalain from KH. Nur Muhammad Iskandar, SQ.

In Asshiddiyah also Khumon learned Arabic and English speaking skills. Because, in this cottage, they are required to use the two languages ​​every day. If caught speaking in Indonesian or regional languages, the jasus (spy) will record and receive sanctions for cleaning the bathroom.

The next pesantren where he studied was the Raudlatul Huffadz Banyurip Ageng Tahfidzul Quran Islamic Boarding School in Pekalongan, Central Java, and graduated as al-Hafiz in 2000. During his study in Pekalongan, he was the MTQ Champion in the Tahfidz 10 juz branch at the Provincial level. Central Java in 1998. During his Post-Tahfidz D-2 IIQ study in Demak, Central Java, Khumon had also represented Central Java at the national level to become 1st place in Tahfidz 15 juz which was held in Garut, West Java, in 2000.

In 2018, Khumon participated in the national selection in Jakarta to become an imam in the United Arab Emirates and was elected as Rawatib's imam who was stationed on Dalma Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE, until 2020.

The husband of Nina Risdiana and the father of two children is active as a lecturer for Ushul Fiqih and Aqidah / Akhlak Tasawwuf Education at the Syamsul Ma'arif Tarbiyah Science College (STITSYAM) Bontang. In addition, he is also active as the preacher of the LDNU city of Bontang and daily as the high priest at the Great Mosque of al-Hijrah, Bontang City. He is also the founder and caretaker of the Nurul Ichsan Bontang Islamic Boarding School.

He often fills in majlis taklim recitations. Ustad Khumon does this almost every day, day and night. "How not to gain weight? Every night, after the recitation was finished, the host served food. As ustadz, I was told to eat first. Instead of feeling uncomfortable with the host, worried that I might offend if I ate a little, I ended up always taking two scoops of rice. After eating it turned out to be delicious, after it was finished, the host offered more. Finally, like it or not, I added more. How do you want a successful diet? " said Ustadz Khumon, jokingly.

He is also active in writing and making books. One of the books he had given to Dompet Dhuafa and received directly by Ustadz Hardy Agusman in 2017 (at Graha Dompet Dhuafa ahead of his departure to Italy as a Dai Ambassador) is Fathul Khoir's book. This book contains a method of understanding tajwid easily, using contemporary verse verses arranged in 300 verses of verse.

Ustadz Khumon has also served as Dai Tidim Jatman (Core Team for Dai International and Multimedia Jam'iyyah Expert of Thariqoh al-Mu'tabaroh an-Nahdliyyah) in the Netherlands (2016) and Korea (2018). Also, Dai Cordofa at Hong Kong and Macau in 2018. In addition, he was also a board of judges for MTQ in the Tahfidz and Tafsir branches of Bontang City.

He is very active in Islamic da'wah studies in mosques, offices, companies, cities and remote villages. Many of his lecture recordings have been shared on social media pages such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and so on.

If you want to know more about him, you can visit his Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook page. Please search and follow @thefitnessgirlz or email [DDHK News]

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