This is the true meaning of Eid

DDHK.ORG - This is the true meaning of Eid

By: Ustadz Fauzan Akbar Daulay, Dai Ambassador DDHK

Sheikh Abdul Hamid bin Muhammad bin 'Aly bin Abdil Qadir Qudsi al-Makki ash-Shafi'i said,

لَيْسَ الْعِيْدُ لِمَنْ لَبِسَ الْجَدِيْدَ، ا الْعِيْدُ لِمَنْ اعَاتُهُ وَكُلُّ لاَ

"It is not called 'id for those who wear new (clothing), indeed 'id is for those whose obedience increases, and every day there is no immorality in them that is 'id'.

Presumably, it is not only zahir that is renewed, but our hearts and deeds also need to be upgraded for the better. Isn't that what you want from fasting in Ramadan is piety?

The son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and his beloved, The Door of Knowledge, Ali karramallahu wajhah said that there are four elements of piety:

First,  fear Allah ال الله الى

People who fear Allah the results of their actions will be different. As stated in the word of God about the two sons of the Prophet Adam, namely Cain and Abel. Both are commanded by Allah to do charity, worship, and sacrifice.

Cain's understanding, the important thing is that I do charity, the important thing is that I sacrifice. That's the understanding. Because he was a farmer he gave his poor harvest to Allah. And the good ones are kept.

Different from Abel's understanding. He saw this was the command of Allah, the One who created it. Of course he must offer the best sacrifice. Because he was a farmer, he gave the horned quiver, which had a large body and a lot of meat to Allah.

Which sacrifice is accepted? Surely Abel's best sacrifice.

Therefore, this Ramadan we certainly don't want the results to be the same as the previous year's Ramadan. We want a change in every one of our deeds. Starting from the Qur'an, we try to improve our reading, the application of tajwid knowledge, to the best etiquette when reading the Qur'an we try to fulfill.

Pray in the best way. It is attempted when the prayer is on standby before the call to prayer is echoed. It is a sign that our fear of Allah is tempestuous. Because we understand who we worship.

Second, practice with the Qur'an and Sunnah. العمل التنزيل

Whatever Allah has revealed and what is taught by the Prophet, we always try to practice it. The way of life and style of the Prophet Muhammad SAW everyday we try to imitate and manifest in 24 hours our breath blows.

Drinking with Bismillah preceded, not standing, and using the right hand are things that are very liked and exemplified by the Prophet SAW. Of course, a lover (fan) tries to imitate who he loves. The question is, who do we love? Do we love Prophet Muhammad SAW?

Third, rIdha with Allah's decision. الا القليل

What is destined for us at this time, that is the best. Maybe some of us are sick or in a state of having many problems, even now we have to go abroad and have been in the Concrete Country for years to seek sustenance, so we are husnuzzhan (thinking well) to God that this is God's decision and we are happy with what occur.

We also think well of Allah that everything we go through, whether it's difficulties, illness, or a dark past, all has a lesson for our lives in this world and the hereafter. There are only good things that we find if we are husnuzzhan to Allah SWT.

Fourth, preparation for death. االإستعداد ليوم الرحيل

Our life is not forever in this world. we must return to Allah. It would be wonderful if every action we do is for Allah and only for Allah alone. And, Allah accepts all our deeds.

Of course we will lose a lot if we work hard when in the world, it turns out that everything is rejected. So our hope is when we meet Allah SWT, Allah forgives and forgives all our mistakes.

Hopefully with this Ramadan we are classified as pious servants and Allah accepts fasting, praying, reading the Qur'an, and all our deeds. Syawal is also a month of improvement and a testament to the success of our Ramadan.

Taqabbalallah minna wa minkum. Wallahu A'lam. [DDHKNews]

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