These 5 Habits Can Make You Stay Young

DDHK.ORG - Increasing age has an impact on the aging process. However, the aging process can be inhibited by a number of habits associated with a healthy lifestyle.

What are these habits?

First, regular exercise. A study from McMaster University showed people who are 40 years old and avid exercisers have skin similar to people in their 20s. Exercise creates hormones and substances that can help slow down aging of the skin. Exercise also helps relieve stress, one of the main factors of aging.

Everyone is recommended to exercise regularly 150 minutes every week or about 30 minutes, 5 times a week.

Second, consumption of healthy and balanced nutrition. Various studies show the consumption of fruits and vegetables can make skin smoother. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause aging and cell damage. In addition to healthy nutrition, also avoid consuming processed foods and foods high in sugar, salt, and fat because they can accelerate aging.

Third, enough sleep. During sleep, the body regenerates cells with new cells. Lack of sleep is also associated with inflammation of cells in various organs, thus causing aging to occur more quickly.

Every adult is advised to sleep 7-9 hours every day on a regular basis.

Fourth, Drink enough water. Drinking enough water every day can help make the skin fresher. Conversely, not drinking enough water can also trigger inflammation that accelerates aging.

Every adult is recommended to drink 2 liters of water every day. Also avoid consuming water with added sugar and soft drinks because they can accelerate aging.

Fifth, manage stress. Stress can increase inflammatory hormones that damage body cells and accelerate aging. Everyone has different ways of managing stress.

Manage stress in ways you like, such as hanging out or talking with loved ones, doing hobbies, and taking vacations.

May be useful! [Source: CNN Indonesia] [DDHK News]

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