Ruling on Consuming Foods That Are Doubtful as Halal and Haram

DDHK. ORG Halal Haram is a label that is important for Muslims to know when eating food or drinks.

Fiqhly a person is not charged with questioning status food what it will eat about where it comes from, how it is processed, its contents.

This is different from the point of view kewara'an who tend to question the status of these foods for fear of consuming what is forbidden.

In general, the law of origin food is halal and may be eaten as long as there are no strong indications that the food is unclean.

Halal means permissible, so halal food and drinks are foods that are permissible to eat according to the provisions of Islamic law. Everything in the form of plants, fruits or animals is basically halal to eat, except when there are texts Al-Quran, or the Hadith which forbids it, or the fatwa of the scholars who forbid it.

Fiqh nor does it demand that someone has to search for the legal status of the food because it includes actions that will make it difficult for him. A person simply believes in his heart that the food in front of him is halal as long as there are no instructions explaining that the food is of a type that is forbidden.

Rasulullah said;

God bless you

"Leave the things that make you doubt to the things that don't make you doubt."

In fact, in one history it is stated that the Prophet once received food in the form of goat meat given by a Jewish woman, he did not ask how the process of slaughtering, cooking and processing it was.

Allah ta'ala says:

"O you who believe, do not ask questions which, if explained to you, will trouble you."

Imam Ibn Kasir said;

God bless you وْلَى الْإِعْرَاضُ عَنْهَا وَتَرَكُهَا

“Zhahir this verse shows the prohibition for someone to ask about something that can make it difficult for him if the answer is known. So it's best not to ask questions like that."

However, if there are other foods that are believed to be halal, then choosing them is better and eliminates anxiety within us as a precautionary principle.

So that's about halal and haram food. May we all be spared from all things that are unlawful. Amen. [DDHK News]


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