Cavities Can Trigger Heart Disease

DDHK.ORG - Be careful, because cavities are not a trivial problem. This condition can even trigger heart disease. The reason is the large number of blood vessels around the teeth.

"There are also those in the roots of the teeth [blood vessels] that are directly related to the heart," said dental and oral health expert Rahmanto Budi from RSJPD Harapan Kita, in an online broadcast of Heart Disease Due to Cavities on the Instagram account @radiokesehat, as reported by CNN Indonesia. .

Cavities are a source of bacterial infection. “If there is an infection in the teeth, our heart can also have problems. There are bacteria that enter the bloodstream," he said.

Bacteria are one of the main causes of heart disease triggered by cavities. The bacteria are said to cause infections in the heart organs. The reason is, several studies have also found the bacteria in the heart are almost the same as the bacteria in the oral cavity or around the teeth.

Endocarditis is one of the most acute infections of the heart that can be caused by cavities. Endocarditis is inflammation of the endocardium or the inner lining of the heart.

In addition, Rahmanto said, cavities can also trigger blockages in blood vessels. "So teeth need to be cleaned and cared for to avoid bacteria, which can trigger other diseases," said Rahmanto. [DDHKNews]

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