At Sahur, Avoid Drinking Tea and Coffee

DDHK. ORG – Sahur is important before fasting during Ramadan. Apart from being a means of increasing piety, Ramadan fasting has health benefits, but there are a number of things that need attention.

Reported Republic, pakar nutrition Seala Septiani advises, try to consume sufficient amounts of fluids that come from water, not simple carbohydrates such as syrup, nor coffee or tea.

That's because tea and coffee are diuretic or easy to remove fluid deposits in the body. In fact, during fasting, a person does not drink for a long time. If you drink tea or coffee at dawn, it's easy for body fluids to come out and during the day it can make your body quickly become weak.

During fast, Of course there are changes in meal times. This is because people who are fasting have to endure hunger for dozens of hours, starting after dawn until it is time to break their fast.

"There are those who have gotten used to it beforehand, with sunnah fasting Monday-Thursday, it will be easy to do Ramadan fasting. Some don't, it doesn't matter. Make sure to get up for sahur, and do menu planning," Seala told Republika.

Seala said, menu planning is the key to running Ramadan optimally. Someone needs to determine the food to be prepared at dawn or breaking the fast. Of course, must be healthy and have balanced nutrition.

The health nutrition program consultant suggested studying the concept of healthy and balanced dishes. That is, the composition of the food is appropriate, varied, with the right portion. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has provided guidelines for healthy and balanced nutrition through the "Fill My Plate" campaign.

“There must be a source of carbohydrates such as staple food. Source of protein from side dishes. Sources of vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables, as well as enough fluids," said Seala.

"Get used to planning. What dishes are healthier for Ramadan this time, God willing, Ramadan fasting will be much more beneficial, and will have optimal health effects," said Seala.

When a person fasts, autophagy activity occurs, namely the body "eats" the fat stores of carbohydrates in the body. Seala explained, that's what makes fasting people easy to lose weight, especially fat weight.

The effect is even better if moderate intensity exercise is added in moderation. Seala said that a number of research data show that fasting for 30 days has many health benefits, including facilitating weight loss.

If there are people who actually gain weight after a month of fasting, their food intake needs to be observed. According to Seala, it could be that when breaking the fast what is done is "eating revenge", namely eating a lot of food in a short time and eating quickly.

As a result, there is an energy surplus, that is, an excessive amount of energy. The surplus energy accumulated in one month, called Seala, can increase the weight of about one to two kilograms. Moreover, if coupled with missed meal time.

Not having breakfast is the same as not having breakfast. Many studies have shown that people who skip breakfast have a higher risk of gaining weight. That's why, Seala reminded to always get up for sahur. Sahur and breaking the fast must also eat balanced nutritious food with enough calories.

"If you are overweight and want to get the benefits of fasting in the form of losing weight, do a calorie deficit properly during fasting. To find out personal details, what to eat, how many calories you need, you can consult a nutritionist," said Seala. [DDHK News]

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